broke foot (chase hudson)

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~ request ~

"hey y/n, come film a tiktok with me" one of your best friends payton says. 

"ill be right there pay" you replied getting off of your phone making your way towards him. He propped his phone on the same marble table that was outside.  you stood slightly in front of him waiting for the count down. 3.2.1 you both started dancing around to the tiktok. You guys decided to do a few more and somehow you guys ended up doing renegade. 

"ok this is the last one y/n" he says as he propped his phone one last time, you noticed it was 'brokebitchtotheleftbadbitchtotheright' sound. you stood there awkwardly waiting for him to move you over to the side. you were standing pretty close to the table to make it easier for him to move you. 

as the lyrics started playing you feel your self getting lifted while one of your feet hit the table with hard force . "AHHHH FUCK" you scream out of shock and pain. "shit y/n are you ok"

"WHAT THE FUCK, CHASE YOUR HERE" you say completely confused. you went to give him a hug but immediately winced in pain due to your foot. "fuck guys my foot, hurts a lot" you say as tears are ready to spill any time now. " I think we should go to the hospital, to get it checked " chase says while he picks you up bridal style to bring you to the car. 

time skip to the hospital 

"by the looks of it miss y/l/n, you have a broken foot. we will get you in a cast asap but we do have a pair of  crutches for you" she says as you sit on the bed. "is tomorrow ok for the cast to be put on?" she questions as you nod your head in response. you walk to the car with a moon boot on for extra protection until the cast can be put on (lmaooo I have no clue how this works ive never broken a bone ). 

"im so so so, sorry y/n, I wanted to surprise you but it didn't go as planned" chase says with a truly sad look on his face "chase, don't be sorry lets be real ill never forget this surprise, besides its only a little pain" you say with hopes to cheer him up. "on a real note, I FREAKING MISSED YOU LIKE CRAZY AND IM VERY HAPPY YOURE HERE" you yell giving his cheek a quick peck. "I missed you too bub" he says reaching over in the car to give you a hug, giving your head a small kiss in the process. 

(im super sorry for the person who requested this, because its deadest trash loll, but thank you for requesting <3) 

word count 470

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