catching feels (jaden hossler)

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ever since jaden and mads broke up, jaden has been 'play flirting with me' in an attempt to some what make madi jealous. the worst thing about it though is, I have caught feels. Today we are all meeting up and as much as I love all my friends I am not keen to deal with jadens flirting. lets be real I do love it in many ways but it hurts knowing it to get on madi's nerves and not to show he likes me. 

as I arrive to the house, I see all my friends and get greeted instantly. after many hugs I finally see Jaden and my heart skips a beat. "hello y/n, you look extra gorgeous today" he says while pulling me into a loving hug. "thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" you say back blushing slightly. after a few hours of talk and laughter you and your friends decided to play truth or dare. "ok avani truth or dare" noen asks. "umm truth" she responded

"ok out of all the girls here, who would you turn gay for?" "defs y/n" she says while pulling you into a side hug.  "ok, Anthony truth or dare" "dare" he replied "I dare you to kiss me" she says he leans in and gives her a small peck on the lips. "you guys are too coot" I say with a slight smile admiring how in love these too cuties are. "ok then Jaden truth or dare" 

"dare" he says with a slight smirk on his face "ok then, I dare you to kiss y/n" "umm no I don't think that is very n-" I was cut off as Jaden kisses me on the lips. I hated the fact I enjoyed this but I really couldn't help my self. "wow I really wasn't expecting that" I say as we pulled apart. "so, y/n truth or dare" "umm truth" I say back to him, "who are crushing on at the moment?" well shit. what do I say now. "ah, no one  right now I'm flying solo" I hear avani stifle a slight laugh. "hun we all know that's a liee" she says while nudging me in the shoulder.

 "umm I'm going to the bathroom" I say trying to find away to avoid this situation as much as I possibly can. as I lean against the bathroom sink I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "y/n are you alright" the person questions. its Jaden. "I'm fine Jaden ill be out soon" I reply with hope he will walk away, "open the door please" he says while I open it to let him in. "im sorry I hope I didn't push you or anything" "don't worry about it J" I say back

"I just wanted to know if you were interested in anyone because, I umm really like you" he says a smile grows wide on my face. "wait really, you dumbass why didn't you tell me" he shrugs his shoulders, "well I like you too" you say seeing him have the same goofy smile you have. "well in that case, would you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?" "of course I will" you say pulling him into another kiss.

(I literally wrote this at school lmao, sorry for the late post guys, ive had my devices taken off of me, and I took the whole online learning thing as an opportunity to finish this chapter, anyways I love yall)

word count 576

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