Hallucinations or reality?

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"I-i'm so sorry sir...I failed.." Mayura looked down at the ground gripping her fan.

"No Mayura you set the stage for the future,"

Hawkmoth walked over to her holding her frail body close to him.

Gabriel transformed back a purple glow encasing him as he changed. Now there was only Nathalie to change back..

She de-transformed hesitantly feeling the life being pulled out of her, reducing her to coughing heap on the floor.


She weakly held on to Gabriels's jacket, as he carefully picked her up.

He subconsciously brought her to his room instead of her own.

Gabriel lay her gently on his bed being as careful as possible.

Her heavy handed breathing worried him to death, every time he allowed her to use the peacock miraculous he felt guilty.. Like he was causing her pain..which he was...

He went to go get her medicine when he felt a cold slender hand holding him back.
"pl-please don't leave m-ee...." Her weak voice barely escaped her tender lips. Pink raspberry lipgloss glazed across them, like the color of a Paris sunset.

The blue ocean eyes he knew so well stared up at him.

Gabriel nodded in recognition as he sat down next to her.

She clung to his side like a child with their mother.

He got out his phone and asked for one of the servants to grab her medicine.

A few minutes later two quiet knocks came from the door. "Come in," Gabriel replied as she walked in carrying an assortment of small bottles.

"Here I couldn't tell which one you wanted.. So I brought the most recent ones, sir."

He slightly nodded getting back to tending Nathalie.

"Is Ms. Agre- Sancouer getting worse? Should I call the doctor sir?"

"Nathalie do you want me to call a doctor-"

She shook her head pulling the covers over herself, not wanting to be seen so weak by one her colleagues.

"Im pretty sure that means no, If you don't mind I'd like to be alone now."

"Of course Mr. Agreste." She hastily left for the door.

He pulled the sheets off from over her revealing her fever.

"I'm going to get something for your fever I promise I'll be right back.."

Gabriel felt her grasp on him loosen and he stood up. He returned back a moment later with damp towel.

Nathalie flinched at the cold towel on her forehead, ". . . do I have to k-k-keep this on...."

"It'll bring your fever down, so yes."

"b-but..." She looked up at him opening her eyes, he saw Mayura's eyes staring up at him instead of Nathalies shocking him.

"why are you looking at me like that s-sir...." Nathalie blushed looking away from him.

"Oh nothing.. It was probably just my imagination.."

She whipped her head around and started coughing harshly into her pillow, causing her to pass out.

Mayura's Infection AUWhere stories live. Discover now