Hush my peahen

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She moaned tiredly, her eyes stayed plastered shut, until she figured out her surroundings. A feeling of vulnerability struck through her. Someone was playing with her hair, yet she couldn't get herself to stop them. It was relaxing... embarrassing but relaxing.

"mmph.." Nathalie shivered leaning in closer to whoever was next to her.

A long moment of hesitation, and the mystery man finally put his arm around her.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked, his voice sounded gentle and concerned.

"I wa-was fine in th-e fa-first place....." Betraying her, her voice sounded raspy and nasally.

She heard the man sigh, "Nathalie please..don't stress your voice further.."

Nathalie moved around to face him, blushing heavily when she realized who it was.

"Your probably running a fever still... I'll get a thermometer and some other items."

"s-s-sir..." She tried protesting his will to take care of her, but stopped as her throat was killing her.

A moment or two later, Gabriel walked in, with a hand held humidifier, and some medication in hand.

"If ...y-you..think I'm....using.. that.. Then ..your....crazy.." Nathalie pouted pulling the blanket over her head.

Gabriel sighed pulling the blanket off of her. Gently he helped her sit up, placing the humidifier in her lap.

"Im not.." She stifled her cough, then added, "using that."

"You are and thats an order, not a request."

She felt ridiculous.. a towel over her head and a humidifier in her lap. Noticing her phone ringing her head shot up.

"Nathalie get back under the towel." He answered it for her sitting on the edge of the bed.


"Under the towel." He raised his tone a little bit.

"Hmph.." Nathalie finally followed his order with some hesitation.

"No Mrs. Bourgeois I am not firing my assistant. Goodbye." He replied boldly hanging up on her.

"Why co-couldn't let me answer that..." Her voice was extremely quiet.

"Because you don't need aggravate your condition." And thats exactly the reason why he didn't ask her, about the spreading blue skin on her torso.

"Wha-what condition.. I d-don't have any condition."

"Condition as in your ill Nath."

"I am not!" She regretted her choice to raise her voice at him. As her throat felt like it was burning even worse.

"You can be so stubborn, but please accept that your sick. I'm just looking out for your health.." Gabriel held the thermometer in his hand looking down at her.

"Urgh..." Nathalie turned her head at it.


After 5 minutes of persuading.. She gave into him opening her mouth accepting the thermometer.

Gabriel stroked her black blue locks, while he waited for the beep.

The thermometer beeped and he pulled it out.

"I'll um.." He needed to get her temperature down fast. "I'll run you a bath okay?"

She weakly nodded pulling the blanket over herself.

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