Laid up in bed pt 1

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Apparently Adrien had caught whatever Nathalie had, because now he was laid up in bed to.

He only had the coughing and a fever. She had been a lot worse but she had still insisted on doing work, either helping him with his studies or doing emails. Gabriel had given into letting her help Adrien with his school work. At least he could keep an eye on both of them.

"Who was the 1st president of the 5th French Republic?" Nathalie walked around his bedroom carrying his history book.

"Mom...can we do this tomorrow.."

She paused her eyes flickering back in forth from the shock. Why couldn't she bring herself to correct him.. "I-- um..I guess we can.." Nathalie set the book down. She sat on the edge of his bed, Adrien requested for her to come closer to him. She did as asked of her. To her surprise he hugged her tightly, she paused unsure of what she should do. It took her a while but she wrapped her arms around him. "W-hy do you have bandages on your arms...?"

Nathalie paused searching for a good lie. Gabriel had apparently wrapped her arms, because she had some blue skin traveling into the line of sight. It covered most of her arms and torso and the flickering of the eyes became more common.

"I had a allergic reaction to something I ate.. so I covered up the rash."

"ohh...." He was a bit delirious so he just went along with it. Adrien pulled the blanket over himself and Nathalie.

"Can we watch a movie..?"

"S-sure Adrien.. What movie?"

"I don't know..a funny movie you can pick."

Nathalie was a bit unsure with the situation, in bed with her bosses son? He was a lot softer on her when she was ill, but no illness could get her out of this if he saw her. She put on the only movie she had ever watched, lucky for it was funny. Nathalie was never into movies but her friend had urged her to watch Beetle Juice, because halloween spirit.

Once in a while both of them would pause the movie, so they could cough.. Nathalie had just finished her worst coughing fit yet, she sunk into the pillows breathing heavily.

"Mom are you okay..? Do you want one of my cough drops?" Adrien hugged her trying to find a way to help her.

"n-no..I'll be fine.. if it g-g-gets worse I'll call your f-ffather..."

Adrien whimpered and cuddled up closer to her.

"I'm just g-g-going to get a glass of water..." Nathalie got up collapsing as soon, a her grip on the wall loosened.

"Mom!" Adrien rushed to her side, once he got made sure she was breathing, he called his father.

"Dad come up to my room I need help!" He hung up leaving Gabriel intensely worried.

Gabriel had dropped whatever he was doing. Rushing through the mansion his adrenaline had already kicked in, what if he saw the blue skin?! What if her eyes were purple and pink?! It would be sure to lead to questions.

"Dad.. can you help me carry her back into my bed..? She c-collapsed.." Adrien had been obviously crying, because there were obvious tear tracks.

"Yes of course son.." He picked her up with ease carrying her back into bed.

"I-i..don't ..know she just got up to get a glass of water and she fell.."

"Its not your fault Adrien, she must of gotten light headed and passed out."

Adrien had cuddled back next to Nathalie, he hugged her gently for support. Gabriel warily looked at what his son was doing.

"mmm..." She started waking up again. The feeling of small arms around her, and large hand on her forehead felt a bit weird.

Opening her eyes she saw the same purple haze.. It was out of world experience like putting a filter on life. "I-i-im..sorry, for worrying you..."

"Theres no need to apologize, but your'e taking the day off."

"What!?" She shot up like a bullet, but soon fell back into the pile of pillows coughing.

"See what I mean? You and Adrien will be resting until your better."

"Hhmph.." Nathalie gave him a fierce look. Or at least she hoped it was fierce.. The condition she was in probably weakened it..

"Hey dad can you read a book?"

He clearly stiffened. ". . . . Yes. Which book?"

"You choose," he pointed at the large bookshelf.

Gabriel observed the large array of books, "I'll be back I have something in mind."

15 minutes later

A moment or two later he returned, with him he brought the book, 'call of the wild'.

Nathalie blushed heavily, she had immediately recognized the book. Of course he was absolutely clueless, about what this book meant to her. When she first met him they were partners for a school project, and this was the exact book they read. He sat down on the edge of opening the book. Adrien couldn't be more happy with him sitting there, and gestured for him to come closer. Gabriel obliged to this. He sat down in between Adrien and Nathalie. She could of passed off as a bright red apple. Adrien quickly fell asleep, and thats where she thought he would stop, but he kept reading to her.  She let out a yawn, and immediately realized how embarrassing that was.

"I-i-i.....I'm sorry.." Nathalie fiddled with her fingers.

He took a moment to process what she had said. Her voice she had used was extremely quiet.

"Theres no need to apologize," he smiled taking his hand and smoothing her hair.

She blushed as his hand touched her.

"Are you feeling any better?"

". . . ." It took her a long time before she responded, "would you believe fine?"

"No, not after your sudden collapse earlier."

". . . not that great then." Nathalie buried her face in him.

"Its fine," he smiled and got face to face with her. "I know your tired just try to get some sleep." Gabriel pulled her closer to him. Blush creeped across both of their faces.

"He has to know that I love him.. How can he be pushing all my buttons?! But..Gabriels awfully always been platonic.. Cuddling could be platonic in his mind.. I need to know.." These words rang through Nathalies head until she made up her mind.

"Good night, sir." She gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Silence . . .

He seemed like he hesitated forever.. but then she felt him return the favor. Gabriel kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight as well. She could of swore that he blushed, not enough to bet money but he had to of blushed!
She fell asleep quickly in his arms, how could she explain....

. . .SuperCaliFragilisticExpialidocious. . .

Yep thats the word ♥️

To be continued OwO

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