Rainy Day Realizations

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Nathalie had awoken at 5:30 like every normal day, starting on her usual schedule.

5:30 - wake up

5:40 - take a shower

5:55 - be dressed and having breakfast

6:00 - leave for work with the Gorilla

And she was completely ready until she received a call, that the Gorilla fell ill over the night.

"I guess I could walk to work.. my car won't be of much help with it not functioning.." Nathalie thought, as she picked up her tablet packing it into her briefcase.

Stepping out of her apartment door she set off for work, she noticed a large amount of people carrying umbrellas, which worried her. The over whelming smell of coffee enticed her greatly, "A small stop won't hurt.." She walked into the coffee shop ordering the blackest coffee they could produce.

"Alright time to get back to work-," she saw the overwhelming down pour from inside the cafe.

"Just great maybe I have time to wait..and of course I don't.. Gabriel will be furious if I'm late!" Her thoughts went into overdrive as she scanned her briefcase for an umbrella. Of course she didn't have one .. She had given it to Adrien the day before.. No thoughts about it she had to leave now.. Trudging out into the rain she ran, she was close to the mansion but not close enough to not be completely soaked through.

Entering the iron gates she was finally there completely soaked to the bone, shivering horribly she walked into the Agrestes not caring at how much water she was getting on the floor.

The only thing that had worked in her favor, was the water proof mascara she had applied this morning.

"S-s-sir, yo-u-u.. h-have a- meeti-ting in 5..." Her teeth chattering had betrayed her, catching his attention.

"Nathalie your sopping wet.."

"I-i'm s-ss-sorry I wa-was caught in the rain and..-"

She was cut off by him worrying over leaving her shocked. Nathalie had been expected being scolded but he was actually worried?

"Let me take you to one of the guest rooms, you can take a shower and warm up. I'll bring you a pair of clothes from the women's winter line."

She blushed as he ushered up stairs, her face went even redder when she noticed the hand on her waist.

"Th-thank you sir," Nathalie weakly smiled before she disappeared into the bathroom.

Once she shut the door giving her the proper privacy, rushing to the mirror she saw the amount of blush on her face.

Sure that he had seen she slipped out of the cold wet clothes, running a hot shower. The hot water felt like it was boiling as it her shoulders and back. Slowly it brought her temperature up.

It was extremely enjoyable. The expensive eucalyptus toiletries were a large change, from her usual raspberry ones.

A subtle polite knock on the door was heard from outside the room.

"Can I come in Nathalie?"

She threw on a fluffy white robe and rushed to the door opening it.

"I got you some clothes I hope they fit to your liking," he handed her box with the Agreste logo.

"T-thank you Sir." She blushed carefully holding the box.

He left hastily red blush had crept onto his cheeks, as he walked back through the corridors thinking of her.

"Only Gabriel would give me a 10,000 dollar outfit.." She laughed a bit smiling as she unwrapped the box.


Gabriel walked into his office for the first time today, it had been a week or two since Nathalie came in sopping wet from the rain. Glancing over to his left at his assistant, who currently was wrapped up in a fluffy blanket with tea at her side.

"Will you ever take a sick day Nath?" He looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Sir, the only time I take sick days is when I'm hospitalized."

He sighed walking over to her taking her tablet away.

"Mr. Agreste give me my tablet back," she warned getting up from her chair.

"I don't think you'll be able to catch me with the illness of yours~" He started up with his childish antics, which she hated and loved at the same time. She loved it because she knew that he only showed it to her, but this was not the time.

"Gabe.." She whined trying to reach her tablet from his hand.

"Nathalie you have tons of meetings today, you don't need to get the clients sick to."

"I guess your right but..can't I still do some calls please?"

"Nope, you need rest. And seeing from your flushed cheeks you probably have a fever."

He knew he was close her will to keep fighting was cracking.

She fiddled with her fingers a nervous habit, after a moment she nodded surrendering.

Her face went a darker red, when he had ushered her to his room not a guest room.

"This is highly unprofessional sir.." Nathalie sat down on his bed her voice raspier than before.

"Nonsense," he waved it off tucking her into the covers.

Reluctantly she laid down sinking into the soft mattress and pillows.

". . ." Nathalie looked at him wearily, with the thermometer hovering in front go her mouth.


She opened her mouth and kept it under her tongue hating ever moment of it.

He took it out looking appalled at the thermometer, "we.....really need to get your temperature down..."

Nathalie hadn't responded looking down at her hands.

"S-sir are you sure-" Her chest tightened, her insides twisting and turning as she coughed.

He rushed in helping her sit up so she could breath easier. A rush of adrenaline filled him with worry. Pulling her close to him in attempts to comfort her, with each violent cough purple blood spattered onto his jacket.

A couple minutes later the coughing dissolved leaving her even more tired.

"Im...sorry.." She whispered before falling asleep to leave Gabriel with his thoughts.

Gabriel traced his finger over the blood, looking at its abnormal color. He had realized that the damp towel atop her forehead wasn't even helping with the thick sweater she was wearing.

He had wanted to wake her up but she had just fallen asleep..

Carefully he pulled off her being gentle with his touch.

Stumbling back falling into his chair he realized.. her pale white skin was blue..It took up a large amount of her torso, starting at her thigh going up in a blotchy pattern that stopped at her bra.

Gently he touched her skin that was dyed blue, she let out shuddered breaths and he recoiled his hand hastily.







Were all things going through his head..

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