Worse than Worse

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Nathalie picked at the bandages, she absolutely despised looking like some mummy. Gabriel snuck up behind her pulling her hand away.

"I just want them off!" She whined.

"Blue skin doesn't exactly say, you shouldn't be in quarantine. If somebody saw this they'd think your infected!"

She got really quiet, and fiddled with her fingers. "I'm sorry. . ."

"No, I should be apologizing.. I'm sorry I shouldn't of yelled.."

"Mm.." She nodded.

Adrien knocked on the door 20 minutes later, interrupting the awkward silence. "Father? Nathalie?"

"Yes, come in." Gabriel spoke up.

The blonde haired boy peeked his head in through the door. He had a sheepish grin on his face.

"Can I speak to you guys about something?"

Both adults nodded, walking to the small sofa.

"What would you like to talk about?" Nathalie smiled taking a sip of her coffee.

"Can um..Marinette come over for a week?"

She saw Gabriel start choking on his tea, and rubbed soothing circles on his back, trying to help him.

"I um.." She looked at Gabriel then back at Adrien. "Whats the occasion?" 

"Well her parents are going away on a 2nd honeymoon, and everybody else they knew was busy.. I'm her only friend left.. can she pretty please come over?" He put his hands together pleading.

Nathalie looked at Gabriel, she knew his weak spots. She knew them far~ to well.

He sighed, "fine. She can come over, but are you ok with it Nathalie?. ." Gabriel eyes glanced over her bandages.

"Of course, I am. I'll call her parents right now actually." She quickly left the room, too quickly.

Gabriel considered going after her .. but maybe he shouldn't. She probably wanted to get it done  earlier than later. . .

Nathalie hid in near by guest room. The moment she closed the door, her chest seized with a wheezing cough.

"Miss Nathalie!!" The kwami cried. "Please tell Gabriel!!"

"No! I can't . . If he finds out whats happening he'll do something drastic." She said as she hid the bloodied tissues. "Now I just have to call her parents.." She composed her voice to her usual strict cold tone, before dialing the phone number.

"Hello? Who is this?" Miss Dupain questioned.

"Its me Nathalie Sancoeur Adriens nanny."

"Oh, Hello."

"Adrien told me you needed some place for Marinette, to stay right?"

"Yes, we do need a place for her to stay."

Nathalie recognized the background noise with a small girls voice and accompanying clatter of things falling.

"You could bring her over here for the week, if you haven't already found somebody.. to take care of her."

"That would be wonderful thank you Miss Sancoeur."

They both bid their goodbyes before hanging up.


Time Skip - Tomorrow when Marinette arrives


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