Contemplating thoughts, ft. an oblivious Agreste

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(( Note: This is now the next part in this reformed story, I've been rewriting a lot of the chapters. ^^ ))

Nathalie lay sniffling and wheezing in bed, her hair scattered about the pillow.
Gabriel kneeled at the edge of the bed ,holding her hand as she gave him a gentle smile. His hand traveled up to her cheek. As he did so he saw from the corner of his eye her trying to reciprocate the action ,but only her finger moved in effort. He held her hand, that seemed to satisfy her. His face twisted with worry while she started hacking into the blanket, he had leaned in closer having one knee on the bed, and his hand on her back. His face extremely close to hers.

She sunk into his arms rasping, her head rolled to the side. "I..."

"Sh... please don't strain your voice.."

Nathalie complied staying quiet, as the subtle sound of the air conditioner clicked on with a small hum. She honestly couldn't believe all that he'd done for her, just to make sure she was comfortable.

Her eyes gone cloudy and hard to see from.. she could barely see him.. "Gabriel.." she whispered tearing up.

Gabriel held her in his arms keeping her close as her expression and liveliness faded from her body. She sobbed into his chest as her entire body ached she was scared of what would happen to her.

His guilt rose to a level incomparable, he had done this.. he hadn't felt this way since Emilie.. God how he longed for her blonde hair her sweet charming voice.. but lately his attractions have been for another.. a raven haired beauty that had eyes of the sea.. Nathalie.. The heart monitor on her nightstand beeped slowly and unevenly. Temptation pried on Gabriels natural instincts, as he grabbed her waist and he planted a kiss on her lips gentle yet it's everything he could've wanted.

He wanted her.. yet he was tied between two a blonde woman the mother of his child.. or Nathalie.. oh his beloved Nathalie.. ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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