Chapter 1

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"Everything comes back to you,"
"Y/n wake up," My best friend, Tory, was shaking me getting me to wake up.

"I'm up, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up," I say as I feel the shaking start to stop. "But just give me five more minutes," I yawn snuggling into the pillow and comforter. "Nope!" I yelp as the sheets are pulled off of me.

"Curse word!" I say as I suddenly feel the chill of being out of bed and the pain of falling on the floor. "Now come on Y/n you're going to be late for your flight," She says dragging me to the bathroom to get ready.

"Do I have to go?" I say still drowsy and a little anxious for my first time living alone, especially in a new place. Never mind a whole ass country and now here we are in the car me and my two best friends, Sofia Wolf and Tory Marshall, they've been my best friends since middle school and the only reason I was able to go to UA. If I hadn't had them with me I don't know where I would have ended up.

"I can't believe the one with abandonment issues is the one leaving us first," Sophia said, she was born with a transformation quirk that allowed her to turn into a wolf. She's basically the only reason I watched the last Twilight movie, for the pure and simple reason of being able to make fun of her.

"I know, like who is this person and what have you done with y/n," Tory said laughing, Tory can tell the future though she's not very good at it yet. "You have to remember to video call us everyday," she squealed excited for me to start my new journey.

"Guys you do know there's a 10 hour time difference right?" I ask

"So what, make time," Tory says adamant and determined to make it work.

"Ugh, converting to a different time zone is gonna be a bitch," I say sighing.

"Takes one to know one," Tory says laughing at her own joke. Me and Sofia roll our eyes used to Tory's interesting sense of humor.

"What does that even mean?" I ask low key scared that the answer will be another joke.
"It means that you're a bitch!" She says continuing to laugh.

"A bad one," I say and we all laugh as we fall into a lighthearted atmosphere as we pull up to the airport. "We'll here it is," I say getting out of the car to get my suitcase.

Tory and Sofia both get out of the car with me. "Omgosh I can't believe how much I'm going to miss you!" Tory says as we hug. "I can't believe your parents aren't here!" Tory says slightly irritated.

"Don't worry, I'll fly back on holidays and during summer, so don't forget me and don't miss me too much!" I say smiling at them and ignoring the part about my parents.

"Remember to look out for yourselves okay guys?" I say as I hug Sofia, "I'll call you guys as soon as I land." I say as we do one last group hug.

"Bye, I love you," I say as I walk through the doors of the airport and as it closes I wait till I'm out of their line of view and I break down.
The tears pouring from my face are warm and messy, and I can still smell the scent of them on me from our hug. The scent is comforting and reminds me of my family that I have back here.

I dry my tears and fix myself up then head towards the plane. As I'm about to step onto the plane I look back and I see them looking at me with tears in there eyes holding up our best friend necklaces. I lift mine up, with a tear threatening to spill, and mouth "I love you," as I step onto the plane and into a world full of danger, laughs, romance, and most importantly of all hot guys.

Here are the necklaces in case u wanted to see:

Here are the necklaces in case u wanted to see:

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