Trials of the Soul

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Namjoon tapped his fingers on the marble of the counter without realizing that his mind was following a certain flow and creating music. He couldn't think about that. He was too worried about the conversation that he heard from the other side of the door. It was a rare thing to hear Jungkook use a firm tone and especially with Taehyung.

Clearly, it wasn't the first time Namjoon wondered if the situation between the two mankaes wouldn't blow up eventually. Whether he liked it or not, BTS could become a collateral casualty in a moment of anger. He wondered, from time to time, if Jungkook and Tae ever had a plan regarding each other, if they ever spoke clearly about the obvious tension and the very not so common glances. He hoped Tae would have brought it up until then but the reality was very different. Neither Tae nor Jk knew how to address it, how to navigate it and how to overcome what was tying them together so mercilessly.

In the past, the boys had tried to stay apart from each other but it didn't last more than a couple of weeks if not days. "Falling in love with one of your best friends must be terrible", Namjoon concluded. How could they stay away from each other? The only moments when there was a prolonged silence between them were those instances when Tae became extremely cold and locked himself inside his own soul, disallowing anybody to get close. Namjoon knew that not even him could pierce that wall, the only two people Tae sometimes (although rarely) accepted around where Jimin or Hobi. Whenever that happened, Jungkook did his best to act indifferent, which was completely redundant as everybody could see it was just an act.

Nobody in the dorm was on par all the time but they understood that they were working for something that exceeded the petty things they sometimes argued about. Thankfully, management and Bang PD had always understood potential bickering to an extent but were also not ashamed to tell them to stop pouting in front of cameras. It was annoying to be told that you have to smile when you really do not feel like it.

Namjoon cursed under his breath and wondered if he should sit the two maknaes down for a serious talk regarding everything that recently transpired. As he was spinning his bottle absentmindedly, he heard voices coming from one of the rooms and shortly after, a door opened and closed. The sound was familiar.

Yoongi stepped into the kitchen looking sleepy and frowning as if he was calculating the potential suction force of a black hole. Namjoon couldn't help but wonder what happened to him.

"Fuck, why are you up this late?" Yoongi said. His voice was a little bit above a whisper as he walked to the fridge to get himself a beer.

"Thinking..." Namjoon said while watching his bandmate open another bottle of beer.

"Yeah? Cheers. What about?" Yoongi inquired as sat down next to him.

"Band. Everybody." Namjoon replied.

"Tae and Jungkook?" Yoongi smiled knowingly. He was beyond conscious that the situation must have been stressing Namjoon out more than he let it show.

"Mhm. It's weird..." the leader sighed heavily and continued talking when he saw Yoongi had nothing to add. "We all grew up together but Jungkook was so young when he joined. We modeled him... to an extent, you know? How much did we influence him?"

"What are you saying?" Yoongi's eyes narrowed. He was very good at putting one and one together, even when it wasn't that obvious for everybody else. His muscles stiffed a bit when he understood where Namjoon was heading. "You're thinking that Jk is interested in Tae only because Tae is interested in him? That's harsh." Yoongi smirked. He couldn't blame the other for thinking the way he did because it was an absolute truth that Jungkook was probably the one that had to do the most soul searching or personality searching if you will. "You don't think he would be interested in Taehyung in other circumstances..."

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