Of Metronomy

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Yoongi shifted from reading his book, playing on his phone, staring at the ceiling. He knew he had nobody else but himself to blame for drinking coffee so late in the evening. The error and the miscalculation kept him awake and he accepted it. His planner was free for the next morning but naturally, he wanted to go to his studio. "I'll just sleep there..." he thought because it wasn't uncommon for him to take refuge in his studio when BTS was being too loud.

The dorm was silent or so he assumed as he listened to music in his headphones. He hoped that songs might soothe him and make him sleepy but they only made him over-think or lose himself in lyrics.

He looked at the hour. 3:22 AM.

"Awesome" he mumbled to himself dissatisfied. He didn't want to go back to his room because it was painfully clear that he won't be able to get some shut-eye anytime soon. Therefore, he decided he will simply sit on the couch, do nothing and perhaps sleep would be merciful.

A boy appeared in the hallway. Yoongi recognized him as he approached. It was Jimin. He had pajamas on and a yellow blanket was loosely hanging around his shoulders. Yoongi couldn't help but smile at his sleepy face when Jimin rubbed his eyes, obviously not enjoying the light. Before he opened his mouth to speak, he started coughing lightly. However, he looked less pale than he did in the meeting and his coughing sounded less menacing.

"Why are you out of bed?" Yoongi asked him, tieing everything to their previous conversation about medicine, searching for comfort in known patterns.

Jimin pouted sleepily. "I am thirsty." He said heading towards the fridge.

"Only over my dead body, Park Jimin, are you having ice-cold water." He said and went towards the fridge as well to stop him. His voice was mimicking a sharp staccato.

The younger boy frowned again but opened a cabinet nearby and took out a bottle of still water from inside. He drank a good part of it in a heartbeat. "Why are you still up?" he asked with a growl. The sound was irritatingly soft and dangerous to Yoongi's ears. Although Jimin was in a bad mood whenever he woke up, it never bothered Yoongi. He found him hilarious and somewhat sweet. Therefore, he said nothing but started taking out food and placing everything near his cooking space. Sleep was an activity long forgotten.

Jimin sat on a chair, failing to follow his own trail of thought as he urged himself to be able to sustain a conversation and speak a sentence longer than five words. "What are you doing, hyung?" he finally obtained a small victory with himself. It annoyed him that Yoongi was so active when he was so close to passing out with his head on the counter.

"If you promise to stay out of my way, I am making you kimchi soup," Yoongi said with a smile. If somebody would have asked him where the smile came from, he would have sworn he had no idea. He felt good because he was needed and he had something to occupy his mind with. He felt good that he could move with purpose. He felt good because Jimin was there, watching him with a frown and a half-surprised expression.

Indeed, the younger failed to understand why Kimchi soup suddenly became a priority at 3 AM. It always was interesting to see Yoongi's care for him because he could always tell that the boy did it willingly, asking for nothing in return, not even a thank you.

"Yoongi hyung, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" he questioned and his voice softened, gaining that tone of playfulness. "Why are you so stubborn not allow me to get sick?"

Yoongi laughed lightly. "So I won't hear you whine about it later... I'm doing myself a favor, really."

As soon as he said the words, he regretted it. Because of Jimin's most recent behavior, he believed that the boy would take the joke the wrong way. However, nothing of catastrophic proportions happened and Jimin started laughing quietly, careful not to wake anybody up. He was unsure why he was laughing, though, but something hit him like a shot of adrenaline. He wanted to think of a witty comeback.

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