Sui Generis

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Jimin sat on his bed and watched whatever scenes his mind put together as unreal images moved on the ceiling. It was quiet in the dorm because most of his colleagues were out wrapping up projects before the New Year break. He could hear the noona which was tidying up the kitchen and putting groceries away but he didn't get up to greet her or investigate what delicious food she might have brought. He pulled at his necklace slowly and found himself thinking of what Yoongi told him: "We are not Jungkook and Tae".

Somehow, it bugged him more than he was willing to admit to anybody. He envied them and, apparently, Yoongi saw right through him. He loved observing the two together but he wished he had something similar. Of course, Tae was his friend. More than his friend, Tae was his soulmate and he loved him immensely but...

"But what, Park Jimin?" he said out loud, frustrated that he felt that way. The ceiling didn't answer.

Tae was Tae.

Jimin spoke to Tae about everything and anything from trauma to music, to puppies, to regret. They cuddled their way through all subjects. They laughed at serious things, even if it was a non-laughing matter. They understood each other and they were happy but...

"Ah, what's wrong with you today?" He asked himself out loud.

He remembered how annoying Tae could be at times because he did the exact same thing, which meant that he talked to himself in full audible sentences. It distracted Jimin but it fascinated Jungkook.

"Ah, that's it!" Jimin thought. "That's the answer."

He never found Tae as fascinating as Jungkook did. He liked Tae but he didn't stop in his tracks just to marvel at Taehyung picking clothes from a closet or water from the fridge. Jungkook did that without even realizing it. If Tae inhaled in his proximity, Jk noticed him in a second. Even when he wasn't looking at the older boy, Jk seemed to be in perfect sync with him. Jimin wanted something like that! Perhaps minus all the awkwardness.

"We are not Jungkook and Tae" He could hear Yoongi's voice again, ringing in his ears.

The next feeling that Jimin experienced was anger. Why did Yoongi assume he would want that? Was Yoongi telling him they could never be closer than they already were? Why? Did the hyung find him awful? He thought he was always a good company when talking to Yoongi or when they sometimes grabbed a whiskey together.

He was very loved and he constantly got messages from various girls in other idol groups. He was popular and he was pretty and he did his best to be kind. Yeah, he could admit he was a bit vain and shameless but he knew he could turn that to his advantage. His phone always beeped because somebody wanted to get to know him, why was Yoongi so cold towards him when he was nothing but kind?

He rose from the bed and went straight to the room Yoongi shared with Jin. He knocked before he could realize what he was doing.

"Yeah... come in." Jin said and rose his eyes from the show he was watching.

"What's up, Chimchim?" He asked as soon as he saw the younger in the doorframe. He had a weird facial expression and Jin needed more info before his brain could decide what needed to be said.

"Hyung, do you know when everybody will be back home?" he asked. And by "everybody" he meant Yoongi.

"Let me pull out my tracking device and my tarot cards to answer that!" he acted as if he was searching through his nightstand's drawer. "Ah, shoot... The device is with Joonie as always, but my paranormal abilities tell me you also saw Hobi leaving to his parents' house an hour ago." He said ironically.

Jimin didn't laugh. He just stood there. To say that Jin was surprised was an understatement. He always managed to make Jimin smile, but now the maknae simply looked hurt.

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