Corners of Youth

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User: MartynaM

Date: May 17, 2018

Rating: 0

Comment: Sounds like every other album, didn't enjoy it one bit. Songs blended together, nothing really stood out, the lyric content is equally good as a one direction song.

User: EGrignon

Date: May 17, 2018

Rating: 0

Comment: Generic Kpop album, the sound of ultra-calculated, focus-group, slick and polished pop music ready for mass-market consumption with no artistic merit whatsoever. It will probably appeal to their fanbase but there truly isn't anything on this album for anyone out of the craze, who were already seeing it as the album of the year before a single note had been ever heard. It's great and diverse only as long as your musical scope is too narrow to see what is going on musically in 2018.

Jimin squeezed the glass in his hand but the whiskey in it spun around unbothered by the anger slowly boiling up in the boy who stood with his phone in the practice room. Apart from a few members of staff, everybody already left.

BTS had their Korean comeback stage and all had been well. They delivered. It was all that truly counted. However, Jimin found himself scrolling through reviews since he didn't feel like going back to his bed. It wasn't his first time hanging out in the practice room all by himself even though he knew he was being selfish towards the driver or manager who had to wait for him and drive him home. Since he was drinking and not practicing, a pang of strong guilt sometimes claimed his soul but he forced it away. His alibi to himself and his only excuse in his drunken state was closely linked to the fact that since the new contracts had been signed they were given even more freedom over whatever they wanted to do. He found fake solace in the thought that he was an adult and nobody could boss him around. As soon as an ugly phrase like "You're stupid..." sprung in his mind, he convincingly transformed it to "I am Stupidity". "You're nothing..." was easily transformed to "I am Nothingness" and his chest puffed forward.

He didn't feel like he was heading on a downward spiral but he felt as if he was the spiral. He bent and twisted to infinity, passing mires and laughs and the voices who he could hear as he read comment after comment.

He was deliberately picking only the bad comments out of piles and piles of laudative ones. It wasn't a coincidence that only those affirmations stood out because the praising ones generally read "this album is illegal", "Jungkook-oppa killed us with those abs", "BTS never disappoint", "Stream and love BTS forever if you are a true ARMY".

Jimin sighed and he smiled here and there while reading some inside jokes, but the truth was that the negative comments were actually giving feedback over the music and vocals. He was drawn to them, although he knew that BTS, as a band, couldn't satisfy everybody.

A manager came to him for the third time, asking him if he was ready to leave and promising him more whiskey at home as long as he moves from the floors of the practice room. However, his voice sugar-coated the lie and even though it sounded sweet, Jimin knew that the manager will only try to put him in bed. He was drunk but he wasn't sleepy enough to fall on the mattress and immediately lose consciousness. That was bad and that was something the manager couldn't understand. Jimin was petrified of sitting idly in bed because the monsters sprinted out of him and then hid under his bed, not allowing him to ignore their barely audible presence and questions.

When the door of the studio opened again, Jimin rolled his eyes in frustration, getting himself ready for another guilt trip. However, he saw Yoongi slowly peek inside and then enter with what looked like a confident but slow power walk. Jimin hated it. The agency realized that they couldn't get him home so they searched for one of the boys? Naturally, Suga was the only one still in the building in the late night, probably planning to sleep in his studio.

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