Crepuscule and Aurora

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The room would have bathed in complete darkness if it wasn't for the lamp in the far right corner. The honey brown light poured all over the inanimate objects which received the caress. Between the stillness of the voiceless, the golden maknae of BTS was panting hard and his face refused to stop burning. He didn't dare move. He tried to calm himself down.

He closed his eyes and a desert greeted him like an old childhood rival which slowly became a friend. Curiously, he struggled between comfort and euphoria. The two feelings crashed into each other, blending themselves together and creating a peculiar feeling of satisfaction. Even if he lived in the bed just as much as he lived in the desert of his mind, he didn't bother to cross either border. He was stuck between worlds and the truth was that the desert wasn't less appealing because he knew he was lying on the grass of an oasis.

Hovering between worlds became problematic when he noticed the state of his own body. Even in the cabin, he was hot as if he had been wandering in the desert for days. He could feel the small droplets of sweat that gathered at the base of his hairline. The desert reverberated too much into reality.

He opened his eyes again and the darkened ceiling of the room did a poor job at mimicking the night sky. There was no Orion's Belt above him, although everything was written in the stars. With no definite point to place his focus upon, his mind ran in the same circles it did not long ago. The same random words kept surfacing from the limitless of his mind.

"Taehyung", "quiet", "hot", "good", "wet", "lips", "Taehyung", "be quiet", "tongue", "sun", "mine"

"Taehyung..." he let his mind loop the word until the mere unuttered name brought a smile on his face and he finally scanned the room in search for the man's existence. Yet, Taehyung hadn't returned and Jungkook couldn't shake off the idea that the lamp was just an impostor whose light couldn't even compete with one of Tae's hair strands.

He hoped the other boy would come back to him sooner so that another soul could confirm that that was reality and that he wasn't simply imagining everything. Only Tae's presence could validate either the room or the desert. Jungkook waited as his mind galloped towards clarity.

He felt when Tae got up from the bed and told him that he'll be right back but he couldn't tell how much time had passed from that moment. In his absence, fragments of him lingered everywhere. His fragrance was all over the place and it was pungent. It made the maknae wonder if he hadn't completely surrendered his own smell to Tae, just like he did with his chocked moans. He would have surrendered his complete silence if he could. He tried. Only he knew how hard he tried.

Cold shivers ran over him, his body evening out its temperature and he moved his right hand to reach for the cover. He felt his hand sticky, in desperate need of a wash, but he knew that heading towards the bathroom would ruin the heaviness of his limbs and the vibrations he still wanted to keep, locked inside, not to mention the idea that, in a way, he still kept Taehyung in his grasp. Therefore, he pulled the cover over himself and lay in bed a few minutes longer.

When the door finally opened and Taehyung stepped back into the room. He was wearing one of Jungkook's dark blue, sleeveless t-shirts which covered him midway to his boxer briefs. The rest was made up of human flesh, although he looked like nothing else but a god. Jungkook blinked slowly as he gazed at him, unable to understand what sorcery was employed to make the one in front of him look so human.

As soon as Tae saw that Jungkook hadn't really moved, he smiled tenderly and sat back on the bed, the mattress barely moving under him. He had no knowledge of the carrousel Jungkook was stuck on.

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