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Leaving the comfort of the woolen blanket was the hardest thing Jimin convinced himself to do in ages but he got out of bed and before he knew he was out the door. One of his hands rubbed the back of his head as he used one half-opened eye to take in the situation. He was standing in an empty but clean living room. He turned his head around and an annoying pain intensified inside this head. He knew it well. It was the bitter repercussion of too much alcohol ingested too quickly. However, the pain threatening his forehead was small compared to the rumble of his tummy. He would have blamed that on the alcohol as well but he was sure that last night's meat also had a part in it.

He remembered the kiss and his cheeks burned with him trying to figure out how the heck he even does some of the shit he does. "Ahhhh, I kissed his hand! His hand!" he whined to himself, unable to shake off the embarrassment. He considered Yoongi's reaction and it was nothing but sweet and beckoning but "really? Our friends were inside..." He remembered Jin that dragged him to bed and he might as well have had a spatula in his hands to separate his from Yoongi's side but Jimin couldn't help it because when he enjoyed something, he pursued and pushed that thing to the limit. In this case, the "thing" was talking and being around Yoongi. He loved the affection he was receiving but... his head hurt.

He needed to mope and whine. The dishes were way too clean to indicate that food would be ready soon. Somehow, the idea of coffee wasn't doing for him so he ignored the scent and the pot. Only two men were able to save him from his predicament and Jimin saw them both on the terrace of the cabin, talking like they didn't have a problem in the entire world. Jimin decided to give them a problem as soon as his legs listened to him and understood the command they were given: "walk to the door and don't trip". His body malfunctioned. Jimin decided to give it 2 minutes.

One of the doors upstairs opened and Hoseok exited the room fully washed, dressed, ready to exist another day. He smiled as soon as he saw Jimin's frozen posture from the indoor balcony. Hoseok had already seen Jin and Suga outside since his room had the best view of everything around them, therefore, he decided to go downstairs and possibly drink gallons of water to help the faint dehydration he felt disappear. It was a lie that he felt 100% ready to start the day but clearly, the train that hit Jimin missed him so he mumbled to himself that "it could be worse" and manned up.

"Heya, Chim-chim." He said, knowing perfectly well that he will receive only some unintelligible mumbling from the boy. If he was to guess, he guessed that Jimin either said "morning!" or "do not talk to me right now. Go away. Not awake". The latter supposition demanded too much energy to actually say so Hobi decided it was probably the first option and giggled.

The door next to his was still closed so he took it upon himself to wake up his dorm roommate since he was so accustomed to doing it back in Seoul. BTS could then deal with both sleepy Jimin and Taehyung at the same time and save themselves from two rounds of whining.

He pushed the door open slowly, with a mischievous look on his face, his mouth forming an O shape. As soon as he looked towards the bed, his expression changed to amazement and his eyebrows rose while his eyes sparkled, widening.

Tae wasn't alone in his bed and neither was he next to Suga (which Hobi actually considered for half a second giving himself goosebumps, until he remembered that he already saw Yoongi outside, from his window). Both boys had their mouths open and they slept unaware of the fact that they were carefully watched and that Hobi took a few steps inside the room on his tiptoes.

A shirtless Jungkook was acting as a pillow for Tae's head whilst Taehyung was held in the maknae's arms like a teddy, a very well protected teddy and Hobi was smart enough to not take Jungkook's beloved items away from him. He learned that lesson when he once took his phone by mistake, at a dance practice. It was a poor decision but when he realized it, he decided to play a prank on him by hiding the phone for half a day. Everybody knew that Jungkook didn't care about his phone that much anyway, but Hoseok severely miscalculated the fact that Tae was filming Hwarang that day.

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