Primordial Parallels

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"Ah, great! You are up! It's only my third time calling. We're coming to pick you up in half an hour. Please be ready..."


"Jiminie, please do not fall asleep. It's important that we get to the studio at the planned hour. Producers aren't going to wait for you to get ready."

"Mmm... yes. I understand."

Jimin mumbled and fell right back on the bed as soon as he assumed the conversation was over. The manager's voice was not the most pleasant one to hear first thing in the morning but it was normality, like an alarm you are way too used to ring at dawn. Although he knew that resting his head back on the pillow was an awful choice, his entire body ached from the sheer lack of sleep. Going to bed at 6 AM and waking up at 9:30 was not a scenario his body was going to accept easily.

As expected, he fell asleep while still holding his phone. Two seconds must have passed until he heard another voice desperately trying to wake him up.

"Jimin-ah! Don't you have to be at the studio?" Namjoon entered the room as soon as he could see one of their cars approaching. "Honestly, Jiminie! Wake up. Your pick up is at 10."

Jimin growled dissatisfied. "I know. I can get... ready... in 10 minutes, just let me...sleep... another 10..."

"I don't know about your dream land but it's 9:55 in our world and the car is already honking for you." Namjoon couldn't help but let out a short chuckle before resuming his authoritarian façade and pulling the covers off the boy.

The first thought that crossed through the youngest brain was that Namjoon was probably playing a prank on him and he realized that he was still clucking his phone so he pressed the home button lazily.


"Waaah! No, no, no..." Jimin jumped out of bed and a short headache scolded him intensively for the extremely sudden move. "How the hell is it 9:57 already...?" He asked rhetorically and slipped in the closest pair of jeans he could see.

"You mean 9:58..." Namjoon got out of his way.

The boy started searching through a drawer for a long sweater and settled on the very first which seemed to be warm and clean enough. "Pass me a hoodie, will you?"

"Which?" Namjoon asked surprised to be sucked into Jimin's rush which only replied by waving his hand in a manner which gave the leader the clue that he didn't care.

Namjoon took of the dark blue hoodie he was wearing and passed it to Jimin because he really didn't want to search through their packed closet. The boy didn't even notice the oversized sleeves he had to pull up and whose elastic was so strained that they didn't stay in place. He threw a hat on and shouted to Namjoon as he ran down the hallway.

"Never let me sleep again!" he said while Namjoon watched him from the doorframe of the room. However, he heard Jimin's voice again and a short scream. "Ah! Ouch. Who keeps leaving their shoes scattered around?! I live with pigs!"

The front door closed with a loud "Bang!".

"You ARE a pig..." The leader giggled while thinking about the zodiac sign the 95er was born under.

He smiled somewhat satisfied that he didn't need to roll Jimin outside the door and into the car. He wondered if his roommate was simply too sleepy to argue or if the sudden burst of responsibility had a pre-defined answer. No matter the correct response, he was glad that a fight with Jimin was easily avoided.

"And speaking of pigs..." Namjoon looked at the door in front of his own. He was 99% sure that the white door hid the other piglet which needed waking up. He almost wanted Suga to be home so they could place a bet on the exact screech they heard last night when Taehyung went to bed or better said when Taehyung went to a bed, one which was not his.

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