Part 2

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Harry walks back to the sidewalk where James is already waiting for him.

"What happened to you mate? You're smiling like an idiot" James said with a pat on Harry's back.

"Nothing" Harry says with a blush.

"Sure Jan" James says.

"How do you like it so far? Are you excited for the show later?" James asks and Harry starts smiling immediately, hoping that the feathery haired boy will show up.

"Yeah it's good. Hopefully a few people will join us later" Harry says with a thoughtful expression.

"Of course they will, you're Harry Styles" James says with a laugh before leaving Harry on his own.

'Yes, he's Harry Styles but maybe that's exactly the problem' Harry thinks with a sigh before going back on the street, handing out more flyers to the waiting cars, but nobody had as ocean blue eyes as Louis.

In the meantime, Louis arrived at his workplace.

He enters his office and is immediately greeted by his mate Liam.

"Morning Tommo" Liam says with a smile to which Louis just answers with "morning".

"What happened to you?" Liam asks with a frown.

Louis completely ignores him as he takes out his laptop, opening the internet to search up the boy with the beautiful dimples and curls.

He didn't recognize how Liam came up behind him and is now looking over his shoulders in order to see what's happening.

"Why are you suddenly so interested in Harry Styles?" Liam asks.

"I'm not. Just curious" Louis says mindlessly as he clicks on one out of hundreds of pictures of Harry and some models.

"You never talked about him before though" Liam says in confusion.

Louis looks at how happy Harry seems to be with one of those countless models, Kendall or something.

"Yeah doesn't matter anymore" Louis says with a sad look on his face as he shuts his computer and goes to stand up.

Liam stops him though, pulling him in by his wrist as he says "Louis, I've been your best friend since kindergarten okay? You can tell me anything and something clearly upsets you. You came in here looking like the literal sunshine and now it's like your cat died" Liam says with a concerned look.

"It's not that important. I was just waiting at the traffic light this morning and Harry came over and handed me this flyer to his concert. We talked a bit and he seemed nice, I guess. I don't even know why I wanted to go, it's stupid" Louis says as he takes another look at the flyer.

"Hey lad don't give me this sad face. If you want to go, you should do it" Liam says.

"Nah, he probably was acting like this with everyone else too, it's not like he would care. It's alright mate " Louis says with a sad expression as he goes to start his work day, leaving Liam behind with a concerned look.

A few hours later, Louis collects his stuff, says goodbye to Liam and enters his car.

As he places his folders on the passenger seat, the pink flyer slips out of one of them.

Louis picks it up and stares at it again, thinking about how he got lost in the green eyes this morning.

'Should I go anyways? I mean it wouldn't harm to take a look wouldn't it' Louis thinks as he starts the car and drives towards the direction of the crosswalk.

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