Part 7

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A few weeks later, Harry is on his way home after just another long day in the studio.

The making of 'sweet creature' has taken its time but he's now proud to say that it's finished.

The release date is set for 10 days later, making it their 4 months anniversary.

Louis has been bugging Harry about what song he's working on, wanting to go to the studio with Harry but he has been keeping it a secret all the time.

A secret that can now be revealed.

It's quite late, making it already dark outside as he's walking the last few meters to their home.

Louis hasn't officially moved in with Harry yet but he's practically already living there.

A young couple walks by Harry, holding hands while they're laughing about something the boy just said.

'Someday this will be me and Louis' Harry thinks as he's thinking about what it would be like to love Louis publicly.

To hold his hand on important events, talk about him in interviews as he tells everyone who the inspiration behind his songs is.

'One day' Harry thinks with a smile as he's opening the door to the house.

"Lou, I'm home" Harry yells through the big mansion as he takes of his shoes and his gucci coat.

As he doesn't get an answer from Louis he starts to walk around yelling "Lou?? Where are you?".

He enters the living room and sees a tiny sleeping figure laying on the couch, wrapped in a big blanket.

Harry coos at the sight as he takes the last few steps over to the couch, sitting down next to Louis.

He caresses his cheeks before giving Louis' nose a little kiss.

Louis stirs awake at the gesture, looking up at Harry with tired eyes.

"Hey baby" Louis says with a yawn before trying to pull Harry down.

"You wanna cuddle?" Harry asks with a dimpled grin.

"Hmm" Louis says as he tries to pull Harry impossibly closer.

Harry lays down next to him, wrapping his arms around him as Louis puts his head in the crook of Harry's neck.

"I'm sorry that it took so long again" Harry says after a while.

"It's alright. Just missed you a lot" Louis says.

"I missed you more but the song is finished now so I'm all yours again" Harry says with a kiss on Louis' forehead.

"It's finished? Can I hear it now?" Louis asks in excitement, suddenly more awake.

"Yes you can" Harry says with a big grin before taking out his phone and putting in the song.

He hands the phone over to Louis as he says "just press play as soon as you're ready".

"You're making me even more excited" Louis says before pressing play and listening to the soft tunes of 'sweet creature'.

"Sweet creature. Had another talk about where it's going wrong but we're still young. We don't know where we're going, but we know where we belong.

And oh we started, Two hearts in one home. It's hard when we argue. We're both stubborn, I know, but oh.

Sweet creature, sweet creature. Wherever I go, you bring me home.

Sweet creature, sweet creature, when I run out of road, you bring me home" Harry sings with an angelic voice as tears start to build up in both Louis' and Harry's eyes.

As he ends the songs with the line "You'll bring me home" Louis is full on sobbing as he stares at Harry in disbelief.

"Did you-" he starts to say but stops as he's lost for words.

"This one is for you" Harry says with a small voice as he takes Louis' hands in his.

"It's the most beautiful song I've ever heard" Louis says before wrapping his arms around Harry and pulling him close.

"You're my home, I love you Louis" Harry says.

"And I love you Harry" Louis says before leaning in and giving Harry a loving kiss.

It quickly gets more heated as Louis starts to grind down on Harry.

"I want you, more than I ever wanted something before" Louis says breathlessly as he stares into Harry's glossy eyes.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks in arousal.

"I'm always sure when it comes to you" Louis says and Harry doesn't need to hear more than that before carrying Louis up into their shared bedroom.

A few hours later, Louis is still laying awake in their bed as Harry is asleep next to him.

Louis sighs as he turns around to stare at Harry for a while but he can't ignore his growling stomach.

"I'm hungry" Louis whispers.

He looks at Harry and thinks about whether waking him up or not.

'I could go down and make myself some cereal but I also could wake Harry up and eat some cereal with him' Louis thinks and is quick to decide for the second option because he likes nothing more than to spend time with his boy.

"Haz" Louis says in between little kisses to Harry's face as he tries to wake him up.

Harry slowly opens his eyes and starts to smile as he looks up at Louis' beautiful face and pecks his lips.

"How late is it?" Harry asks.

"Like 3 am" Louis says.

"Why aren't you asleep my love?" Harry asks with a frown as he's putting a strand of hair out of Louis' face.

"Couldn't sleep and now I'm hungry" Louis says with a pout.

"And you woke me up because?" Harry asks.

"Because I thought you might want to go downstairs with me and eat some cereal. Don't you?" Louis asks with a wobbly lip which earns him a kiss on the lips.

"Of course I want that baby" Harry says with a smile.

"Yeah, let's go. I was thinking about choco pops" Louis says as he tries to pull Harry up by his arm.

"Calm down Lou" Harry says with a laugh as he gets out of bed.

"Will you carry me downstairs?" Louis asks with hopeful eyes.

"Like I would ever say no to that" Harry says before picking Louis up and carrying him to the kitchen before placing him on the kitchen counter.

"So choco pops you say?" Harry asks.

"Yess please" Louis says, his feet hanging high up in the air since he's so small.

He prepares their cereal while Louis is just staring at the way the moonlight is reflecting on Harry, asking himself how he has gotten so lucky to be having someone like him.

"There you go my love" Harry says as he hands the bowl of cereal over to Louis before placing himself in between Louis' legs with his own bowl in his hands.

"Thank you baby" Louis says with a kiss before starting to eat his cereal.

After some time Louis stops eating, being weirdly enough aroused by the way Harry sticks his tongue out while eating his cereal.

Harry quickly notices that something is wrong a he asks "is everything alright Lou?".

Without answering Louis takes the bowl out of Harry's hand and places it on the counter.

He wraps his arms around him and pulls him closer as he starts to messily kiss him.

"Ever had sex in the kitchen before?" Louis asks with a smirk before pulling Harry's boxers down and ending the night just like they started it.

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