Part 4

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Harry and Louis have been texting non stop since the last time they've seen each other.

On Thursday, Louis again wakes up with a big smile on his face.

This has been happening every day since he met him.


The dimpled, curly haired boy just doesn't go out of his head and his heart skips a beat every time he thinks of him.

His phone lights up with a new message from Harry saying 'Good morning Lou, I hope you slept well and have a good day at work'.

Louis blushes a dark red every time Harry is texting him, he just has this effect on him but he's not even complaining.

He quickly types a cute message back with butterflies erupting in his stomach as he gets up to get ready for work.

Meanwhile Harry is laying in his bed as well, being blinded by the sun shining through his window as he reads Louis' message.

He can't stop himself from smiling so bright that it nearly hurts.

Suddenly, his phone starts to ring, Harry picking it up immediately.

"Hello" Harry says with his raspy morning voice.

"Hey Harry, it's Jeff. Listen boy, we wanna release your new music video in a few weeks so you gotta go out with Kendall today" Jeff says to which Harry just rolls his eyes.

"But" Harry starts to say but Jeff interrupts him.

"Don't complain Harry. You'll meet her at 1 pm to get some food and just walk around. I'll text you the address and like always, don't look directly at the paps. See ya later" Jeff says and hangs up right after.

Harry sighs as he starts to get out of bed. 'I hate this' Harry thinks as he receives the address and gets up to get ready.

Louis just arrived at work, taking a seat in his chair as he takes a sip of his tea.

"Good Morning mate" Liam says as he enters their shared office.

"Good Morning Liam. Isn't this a beautiful day" Louis says with a smile to which Liam looks at him with crooked eyebrows.

"Man are you alright?" Liam says as he takes a step closer to Louis and inspects him.

"You've seem pretty happy lately. Unusually happy" Liam says.

"well, life is great" Louis says as he takes a sip of his tea and opens his phone, only to see new pictures of his crush and this Kendall lady.

Louis nearly spills his tea as he starts coughing. "wow Lou, what's going on lad?" Liam asks with several pats on Louis' back.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Let's just start working okay?" Louis says as he takes one last look at the two holding hands while walking down the street.

'That should be me holding his hand' Louis thinks before turning off his phone, his day being completely ruined anyways.

A few hours later, Harry is saying goodbye to Kendall.

"It was nice Harry, hope to see you soon" Kendall says with a hug. "Yeah, see you" Harry says as he hugs her back and leaves with a small wave.

He opens his phone to call Louis but his phone seems to be turned off so he decides to call Leo.

"Hey Harold" Leo says.

"Hey Leo, what are you doing?" Harry asks with a little smile.

"Pilates" Leo says serious.

"Hey, don't mess with me. I know you don't do that, it's too trendy for you" Harry says.

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