Part 3

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Harry and Louis keep on walking down the street, talking about their interest and families.

"I've never been here before" Louis says as he looks around.

"It's a rather private area, it's easier to hide from the paparazzi and stuff" Harry says to which Louis just answers with an "Oh".

"Are you alright Lou?" Harry asks concerned as he sees that Louis keeps his head down low.

"Yeah" Louis says with a smile, Harry knows that he's lying but he won't pressure him to tell.

They arrive at the rather private restaurant a few minutes later.

The waiter already knows Harry and brings him to his favorite table.

"This shit is fancy" Louis observes as they take a seat, sitting right across from each other.

"Yeah, but I'm only going here because the food is to die for. Especially the avocado salad" Harry says.

"I don't eat such trendy food harold" Louis says with a roll of his eyes.

"Don't you tell me that you're also sharing your avocado shit on social media because then I might have to end this date" Louis says with a scoff.

Harry's face turns bright red as he takes out his phone and opens Instagram.

"What are you doing curly?" Louis asks with a smirk.

"Removing the avocado pictures from my page so you will continue this date with me" Harry says in embarrassment.

"Don't be silly. But don't you dare eat that shit in front of me" Louis says to which Harry just answers with a "done".

They both order some pasta and wine. Louis would have preferred some beer but Harry thought it wasn't appropriate for this restaurant to which Louis just responded with a scoff.

As they start eating their pasta, Louis did notice the little glances that Harry kept throwing at him and Louis might have stopped eating here and then to admire Harry's beauty.

'This boy is really something else, Louis thinks as he looks at Harry with a smile.

"Why are you smiling? Do I have something in my face?  Harry asks.

"No, just admiring your beautiful face" Louis says simply as he reaches out his hand to put a curl out of Harry's face.

Harry flushes a bright red at the gesture.

As they finished their food, both boys talk over some more wine, their hands dangerously close.

Harry has been staring at the little distance between their hands for a while now, wanting to reach out and hold Louis' hand but he's afraid that Louis would pull away.

Louis did notice Harry staring though because he's completely obvious about it. Louis himself has been craving to touch Harry's hand as well.

He can't explain it, there's something about Harry that wants to make him hold on and never let go.

That's why he decides to go for it as he reaches a bit forward and takes Harry's hand in his.

Harry's breath is caught up in his lungs as Louis' delicate fingers intertwine with his.

Nobody ever had this effect on him before which makes him scared but also more excited than ever at the same time.

"Is that okay?" Louis asks with an unsure smile. "More than okay" Harry answers with a dimpled grin.

They get lost in their little world for a while, just taking in each other's features.

Suddenly, Louis sees two dark figures standing in front of the restaurant's windows.

"What's going on Lou?" Harry asks as he sees that Louis is frowning.

"There's someone staring at us from outside with what looks like a.... a camera" Louis observes.

"The paps, shit. We have to go now Lou" Harry says in a rush as he gets up immediately, leaving Louis in confusion.

"But-" Louis starts to say but Harry interrupts him as he takes his hand and pulls him to the back of the restaurant.

It looks like they're leaving through the backdoor and Louis is wondering if Harry had to use this quite a few times already.

'He probably takes all his dates here' Louis thinks which causes as sad look to appear on his face.

They go down a few more streets before Harry stops and looks at Louis only to see him with a sad face. "What's wrong Lou?" Harry asks in concern as he takes a step closer to Louis.

"Don't you want to be seen with me?" Louis asks with a small voice.

"What? No, that's not why we left so fast" Harry says as he reaches out to touch Louis' arm, waiting to see if he pulls away.

"What is it then? You didn't seem to have a problem with the paps at your other dates" Louis says.

"I-" Harry starts to say but he closes his mouth again, looking for the right words to say.

"It's okay Harry. I'm one out of many, how could I be so dumb to think that you'd be actually interest in being with me" Louis says in disappointment as he takes a step to the side and starts to leave.

"No Lou wait" Harry says we he pulls him back by his arm.

"The thing why I don't want the paps to release any pictures of us is because I want this to work. My management is forcing me to go out with women because they want to hide the fact that I'm gay. They think it's not good for my image and could seriously harm my career. I disagree because my fans are the most supportive people ever but I'm under a contract so I can't do anything about it"

"If management would see that I went out with you, they would make me stop seeing you and I don't want that" Harry says, keeping his head down low.

"I don't want this either" Louis says with a small voice, being currently lost for words. He didn't knew that the music industry was that fucked up but this definitely won't stop him from seeing Harry.

"I know we met each other this morning but I never felt this comfortable with anyone ever before. I like spending time with you and I like you" Harry says with red cheeks.

"Well I like you too" Louis says, fiddling with his fingers. "Does that mean that we can't go out in public at all?" Louis wonders.

"No, we just have to escape the paps and well the fans. But my best friend Leo once said, if you don't want to be papped, you won't get papped at all" Harry says with raised eyebrows.

"She sounds wise" Louis says with a laugh.

"She is" Harry answers as he takes a step closer and wraps his arms around Louis.

"Are you sure you want this Lou? It won't be as easy as it sounds and I will still have to go on fake dates, maybe even have a new fake girlfriend" Harry says.

"You don't deserve that this is happening to you" Louis says as he pulls back and brushes a curl out of Harry's face.

"But yes, I'm sure. I wanna try it" Louis says with a smile. They keep standing in each other's arms for a while before Harry walks Louis back to his car.

They exchange numbers and promise each other to meet up soon.

They both drive home with a smile on their faces, but sadly it can't always be like this.

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