Part 10

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Since the events in NYC, Harry and Louis have been happier than ever.

Louis is often visiting Harry at the studio and occasionally finds himself wrapped up in Harry's arms in the morning after another long night session of recording.

Both have gotten more confident and open to others, except that they're still not allowed to publicly interact.

But that's not bothering the two too much as they spend their quality time with the person they love.

A few weeks pass and their one year anniversary is coming up tomorrow and to say that they're both excited would be an understatement.

Harry has something special planned for the two.

As they lay in bed in morning, Louis is still lightly snoring as Harry looks down on his boyfriend of nearly a year.

Today is supposed to be the day that Harry reveals his little secret which he has kept from Louis for over two months now.

"Lou" Harry whispers softly into Louis' hair. Louis ruffles in his light sleep before slowly opening his eyes and looking up at his lover.

"Good Morning beautiful" Louis says with a sleepy smile.

"Good Morning love" Harry answers before caressing Louis cheeks.

"Do you know what day tomorrow is?" Harry asks with a cheeky smile.

"As if I'd ever forget" Louis says with a sassy roll of his eyes.

"Well I kinda got something for you" Harry says.

"But our anniversary isn't today" Louis says with crooked eyebrows.

"Let's just say that we won't spend it in LA, so pack up your things cause a plane is waiting for us" Harry says with a smile to which Louis jumps up in excited.

"Omg where are we going?" Louis asks with a bright smile.

"It's a surprise Lou" Harry says with a giggle before going after Louis who is already on his way to their dressing room.

"Haz" Louis says.

"Yes baby" Harry answers before wrapping his arms around Louis' waist from behind and resting his head on his shoulder.

"I don't know what to pack. You know I suck at packing up my clothes. You're always doing it for me" Louis says with a pout.

"Is that a way of asking me to pack for you?" Harry asks with a laugh.

"Maybe" Louis says.

"And what will you do while I pack our stuff?" Harry says with crooked eyebrows.

"Sit here and admire your perfection" Louis says cheekily before sitting on the ground and doing just that.

To hide their destination from Louis turned out to be even more difficult as Harry expected with Louis begging every flight attendant to tell them where they're heading.

But obviously Harry took care of it all.

"Lou, calm down" Harry whispers to Louis who seemed a little jumpy in his seat for quite a while now.

"Sorry I'm just so excited with it being our first real holiday together and all" Louis says to which Harry links their fingers together.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Harry asks and Louis quickly agrees.

They watched Grease (Louis picked that one) and the next 10 hours passed by quickly.

Louis practically jumped out of his seat, only  to see that they landed in Jamaica, a place both of them always wanted to visit.

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