one; hello side characters

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Sometimes, we forget who we are.

Sometimes, we forget what we are.

Sometimes, we want to forget.

We wish our past would just disappear and we could fit in.

But, most of the time, we just have to deal with what we have.

As I was walking down Cedar Street, I arrived at destination, finally. It was a cold night. Dark sky covered by clouds. A little breeze making the tree branches dance.

Loud music coming out of the house. And I bet they were only seven or less inside. Poor neighbors. There wasn't a lot of lights on in the house nearby. I could only assume that they were trying to get some sleep. Which I could have too, if I wasn't forced to come here.

I press on the doorbell. I wasn't even sure if the people inside would hear it.

The house was a common one, in a common neighborhood. Nothing out of the usual.

Everything here was common... normal.

Even the boy who opened the door was normal.

Jeremiah Merrit. Tall guy, brown hair, brown eyes, peachy-skin. And I'm not even beginning on his personality.

"Lovell, what are you doing here?" He greeted, forcing a smile on his face with a fake happy tone. He had the nice guy reputation. Of course he would force himself to be nice even if it was in front of me.

"Cut the crap, Merrit, you know what I'm here for."

He kept his nice guy smile on his face. I absolutely hated it. Especially since it was so hypocritical. Dumb enough to think that I didn't hear him, and everyone else for that matter, when he would call me nicknames that weren't exactly kind. Lousy Lovell. Lonely Lovell. Loser. Loner. There was even a time that I was called Lovell the Lounge Lizard. I'll have to admit, I laughed at that one. What can I say, it had the merit of having originality.

"Then at least, get in, get a drink or something, loosen up a bit."

Ah and stuck-up Lovell.


All great things, you see?

He led me to his basement.

There, there was a group of six teenagers, most of them drunk out of their minds. All of them were my age, or a year above, so it definitely was underage drinking. Two girls were eating each other's faces out. The first person to notice me almost choke on his beer.

"Jere, why did you bring the snitch here?!" exclaimed Sonny Owens. Brown hair that had been bleached. Brown greenish eyes. Medium height. Pretty face. Nails painted in a blue black. A shirt from a rock music group. Gay as fuck. Had an eternal crush on Jeremiah Merritt, but no luck, Merritt was straight as a ramp(if you don't count Bible camp). Needless to say, Owens was helpless in front of Merrit. He had a skin disease called vitiligo, I think. And I knew he could be super self-conscious about it. But he was good at acting as if he didn't care. So, his Latino tan skin was splattered with white.

Sonny Owens, hated my guts since four years ago, when he attacked my hair with scissors, cutting them off, and that I reported him to the teachers. But, seriously, what did he expect? He did it because of a dare and a promise of ten bucks and a slushie.

Everyone looked up at me.

The girls who were snogging stop their making out sessions. Just for me. Am I not the lucky girl?

Girl 1 pushed Girl 2 off of her, annoyance clear on her face.

Turns out Girl 1 was my dear foster sister, Nicole Foster. I know, her surname is so ironic, isn't it? Spiky black hair, tan skin, deep brown eyes, big lips, black sweater and overalls.

"Lovell! What are you doing here!?" she asked with a sharp tone.

As if she didn't know I was here because of her. As if she didn't know that each time she runs away, I'm the one that our foster parents beg to take care of the situation and bring her home.

As if I didn't see her bag, full, laying in the corner of the room. As if this exact scenario didn't already happened ten times.

"Patrick and Carol are worried about you, Nicci."

"I wanna stay here a little longer. If your mission is to bring me back, then you can do it later." she said with her 'bitch I can do what I want' voice.

I sighed and sat down, not wanting to argue. It was useless anyway. So I let the loud music destroy my ears.

Conversations continued, as if I wasn't even there and Nicole started to passionately kiss Bimbo-Girl, again. This week, her prey was Bonnie Crawford. Last week, it was her twin sister, Sadie Crawford. Nicole kept dancing between the two girls, never deciding which one she should keep. I wouldn't have been surprise if they ended up in a threesome.

Sadie was, in fact, at the other end of the room, looking at her sister with an obvious look of jealousy. Her short golden blonde hair was the only difference between her and Bonnie, who had light pink Rapunzel-like hair. They had the same pale blue eyes and wore matching outfits in pink and white.

"I sweaaaaaar! I saw a spaaaaceship the other night!" one of the idiots in the room exclaimed.

"Elliot, you sure you weren't just high, like usual?" Jay Lee O'Connor replied.

"Whaaaaat! It's true! I saw it!"

"Yeah, sure."

I stared at Elliot Torres. Just a little taller than me. Brown hair that had been bleached. Black eyes. They were wearing makeup, and it really fit them. They wore a lot of jewelry. They had a thin face and no real muscle on their body. Their right arm was broken, but it wasn't really a problem for them, since they were left handed. They were wearing all black, head to toe. Black jacket, black shirt, black jeans, black converse. They were a sort of wannabe emo, but not really at the same time. Oh and nails painted in black.

As for Jay Lee O'Connor, it was a small black guy, with long, curly dark brown hair. He had pale brown eyes and big black glasses. He wore a grey hat, like always, with a white shirt underneath a blue-grey jacket.

None of that really mattered to me. It was more what they said.

"Where did you see that spaceship, Torres."

They turned to me and lowered the music a bit. Torres were always the one making playlists in their little parties.

They had a mischievous look in their eyes and I wasn't sure if I could trust information from them anymore.

"Well... let me tell you my tale. It all started when..."


Sooooo... welcome to Youlkay.
It was actually a story that I started on another account, a few years ago.
It was horrible.
Not just the writings.
And I decided to take it and give it an upgrade (you gotta take the upgraaaaaaade) on this account. Starting it all over again.
Keeping a few things like the title and the fact that the main character is an extraterrestrial girl who has a sister (adopted in the first version, foster sister now) who sneak out to party all night.
I also have to say, English is not my first language. Feel free to correct me in my writings, add long as the comment stay polite. I just want to give the best that I can.

*You're filled with DETERMINATION*

À plus,


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