eight; Alexa speaks alien

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Blinking my eyes rapidly, I finally was able to distinguish the people there with Elliot.

And they were freaking out.

Huh... Sadie was wearing a new dress.

Every one of Nicole Foster's friends were there.
Her lovers, Bonnie and Sadie Crawford.
The normal simpleton friend, Jeremiah Merritt.
The mom friend, Jay Lee O'Connor.
The tough dolt guy who's, in reality, not that tough, Sonny Owens.
And the special one, Elliot Torres.

Or maybe I was the special one? Who am I kidding, I must be the annoying sibling.

The squad was arguing, debating and to be honest, it was pretty much just Nicci yelling at everyone.

"Girl! Your sister's a monster!" Exclaimed Sonny Owens.

The M word.

"Why did I came here..." muttered Merritt.


She was sincerely scary and I was glad her passing anger wasn't directed at me. And I won't describe every other curse words and threats she used.

My eyes went blurry again at my sister's loud voice.
I felt dizzy.

"Ew, keep your lunch in, monster!" A disgusted Owens said.

I didn't know how I looked, but I surely wasn't at my best.

How could he even tell if I was about to throw up with my skin lilac?

"People! I found a way in!" An excited childlike voice shouted.

I stared in horror as Elliot was waving at us, telling us to come.

I didn't even had to stand as Gwen and Spidey took a semi spider form. Still cuffing me, but slowly dragging me on the floor to the spaceship.
I was utterly disgusted.

I wouldn't admit if I started crying or not.

"Nicci, please, help!" I begged.

The stupidly scary mechanical spiders were fast.
They dragged me around and I couldn't say that the rocks on the rough ground didn't hurt.

Just like in the horror movies, I was desperately struggling for freedom. My legs were kicking the ground in an hopeless attempt to free myself.

"Dear Lord Vranajri, save me!" I pleaded, begged.

Even as Nicole kicked the spiders with her converses, they didn't stop their course to the spaceship.
"Ow! Those things are hard!" My sister complained.

There was a silence for a moment. A barely covered laugh was heard.

"Not a really good choice of words, Nicole." Sonny Owens snickered while Nicci turned red.

"You little shit..."

There was an opening on the spaceship, which, in a water like way, formed stairs, ascending towards the ground. My head banged on every stair. It hurts.
The squad was fast to follow me. Them not being dragged on the ground.

Jay Lee seemed unsure but Nicole grabbed his wrist and dragged him in the spaceship. After seeing everyone heading for the spaceship, Jeremiah Merrit sighed and made his way towards the alien engine.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Tried O'Connor, pleading unsuccessfully.

"Come on Jay, we're not leaving my sister behind!" Interjected Nicole Foster.
"Why do I have to come?" Muttered back the little man.

The interior of the spaceship was... wide. It looked bigger on the inside than the outside. Like that tent in Harry Potter.

There was a dashboard with strange signs on it, but most of it was blank. It felt familiar but I couldn't comprehend it. It was the language of Youlkay, that I was sure. But it had been so long, I didn't exactly remembered every aspect of my native language.

Two more horrible mechanical spiders jumped from the dashboard as Spidey and Gwen finally freed me.

They joined and together, they were making a small projector.
It was like a light screen that we would see in some sci-fi movies. But it was in reality.
Scriptures appeared as a disabled robot voice read the text on screen.

"Eunevneib siiger eaniger Neyvell ed Thoverse. Al oissim ed ruoter aretubéd ua mungis ed al animod eaniger srev Youlkay."
I couldn't comprehend much. It said my real name and talked about a mission and Youlkay.
"What the fuck!" Cried out Sonny Owens. "Is there like, an alien version of Alexa?"

Jeremiah snorted.

"What would be her name? Allee-Xa?"
Elliot shrugged.
"Naming alien technology is my thing, Jere. By the way, those two babies are now Michelle and Mary Jane."

Oh so now we had Spidey, Gwen, Michelle and Mary Jane. Great.
I wondered, how many animals did Elliot have?

"What did it say?" Sadie asked me.
"I don't know."

Everyone was looking at my like if I was lying. Rude. Was it because of my lilac skin, my burgundy hair or my pink eyes?
"Look, I haven't practiced Youlkaen... Youlkeen... Youlkayian... I haven't talk my alien language since I was six!"

Vranajri... I wasn't even sure what was the name of my language! Was it even related to Youlkay? I mean, it's the name of my planet, but the language? Was it the same name? France speaks French, Spain speaks Spanish, England speaks English, Italy speaks Italian, Greece speaks Greek, but what about the Youlkay? Was it still called that way? Did Youlkay speaks Youlkish? Or Youlkian. Maybe Youlkianch. Youlkeek?

Looking around, it was easy to notice that most of the earthlings wanted to get out of the spaceship.

There seemed to be many other pieces in the spaceship, though the doors had no doorknob. How Elliot even found a way in was a wonder.

"What are we supposed to do now? Can we just go?" Asked Jay Lee O'Connor, visibly uneasy with the situation. It was easy to tell when he was nervous or anxious. He would start fidgeting and wouldn't stop wiping his hands on his pants, afraid that they would be sweaty.

Not that I specially noticed or anything. I didn't observe him. It's just something that I saw him do a lot when we were dating. Nothing creepy at all.

"Don't you all feel like this is the beginning of a greater adventure?" Asked Elliot, exhilarated, almost jumping around.
"But what about our studies?" Complained O'Connor. "I know that we don't have school right now but we can't just hang out in a freaking spaceship! We need to revise." Excuses, excuses.

He was making up excuses to not stay here any longer than needed.

"And what if the coronavirus actually comes from the spaceship? Wouldn't we be at risk?" Continued the hat guy/mom-friend.
"Didn't it start in China tough?" Remarked Nicole.

"Well... some conspiracy theories says that it was created in laboratories." Butted in Sadie Crawford.

And they continued arguing. They were good at that. I didn't try to stop them, it was useless.
But, to my surprise, what shut them up, was when Bonnie Crawford spoke up.

"I saw a ghost."

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