twelve; they can't built Trump's wall in space

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Was it ironic that the alien of the group never thought that she'd get to go in space one day?

All my life, I thought that it would be better for me, and pretty much everybody, if I'd lay low, not trying receive more attention than needed.

The first few days were hectic, to say the least.
As soon as they woke up, pretty much everybody freaked out.
Sonny Owens tried to strangle me to 'convince' me to turn the ship around to head back home, as Jay Lee O'Connor was having a panic attack in the background, trying to get air with his inhaler. I'm pretty sure he kept at least four of those things in his backpack.

At some points, in our journey, the spaceship would get through some invisible holes. We could only tell because we were feeling the change. It was as if we just went through jelly. Plus, things that weren't there a minute before appeared outside of the spaceship.
O'Connor seemed to be wonderfully freaking out again, not deciding if it was scary or the greatest realization of his life.

"It must have been a worm hole!" He exclaimed loudly, almost crying with his geeking out. "I've read some theories on Wikipedia, but I would never have thought I'd ever experience it! They say it's probably, on one end, a black hole that is somehow connected to a white hole, who's the theoretically contrary of a black hole..."
He continued on and on, with Jeremiah Merrit sometime giving a few nods at what he was saying, faking understanding or listening to any of it. Not that it bothered Jay Lee, at that point, he was more talking to himself than anyone else.

Days were passed lazily, eating chips sometime, watching old movies on the old TV that had been brought in the spaceship.
Food was dealt with carefully. No one wanting to waste anything as it would soon be a rare commodity. It took us one more week to find, hidden in the spaceship, alien food that looked edible. None of us wanted to try it, so we all decided the big loser of rock-paper-scisors would have to try it and the others would wait another week to see if it brought any side effects. No one really was keen on trying an unknown wrinkled fruit. Not even Elliot, I know, surprising.

Nicole ultimately lost, which was immediately refuted by the twins.
"Nico-baby, you can't possibly eat those nasty things!" Whined Sadie Crawford, once my sister took something that looked like a fruit, maybe.
But it only served in flaring up her pride.
I'm pretty sure she yelled a 'don't tell what to do', before impulsively taking a bite. Her face contorted as she slowly munched, sneering in obvious disgust.
Everyone was holding their breaths, Elliot being the only one apparently not able to read the situation to not set off Nicole, as she could explode, yelling about how we let her eat such junk food.

"It's not good, but it's not bad either." After a minute, she added "it has a weird taste."

Eventually, we found water before we ran out of drinks.
While exploring, we could distinguish four other different rooms, one of them being a washroom with the bare minimum, a something we assumed was a toilet and a sink, where we got a pale pink water that tasted a bit sugary. But it definitely tasted like water.

It was approximatively three days later, while the twins, Elliot, Merrit and Owens were playing the most violent card game ever, Jungle Speed, that there were some disturbances, again.

Saddie was especially violent on that game. She had long sharpened nails, after all, she didn't hesitate to use them to her advantage.

"My god, Sad, my hand's literally bleeding because of you!" Loudly whined Sonny.
"Suck it up, loser!"
Her maniac grin would hunt me all the way into my nightmares.

That's when it went down. Suddenly, as if we hit an asteroid, there were violent tremors shaking up the whole ship, enough that most of us fell on our butts.

"What was that?" Yelled Owens.

Looking up, a whole had opened up in the ceiling. Instead of the void of space sucking us all out of the ship to kill us, it seemed to be connected to probably another ship. Next thing we knew, people were coming out of that whole.

Multiple aliens in what seemed like a combat uniform, but more sleek, with lots of pockets basically everywhere. Their uniforms were all different colors to match the little skin that was uncovered. They had giant ski goggles(or what looked like ski goggles) covering up their eyes. They all had a metallic necklace with a big obviously fake diamond.

They were all women that looked frankly scary. Maybe the fact that they were all wearing a whip(and those arms, damn they had muscles, I was jealous) and I didn't want to find out if they knew how to use it.

Hence why I let a scared scream out when one of them actually attacked me with her whip, capturing me in it, making me fall.
To be honest, it made me think a lot of Wonder Woman and I didn't like one bit that I was in the position of the bad guy being apprehended.

"¿Tnemmoc zeso-suov?" The one keeping me captive hissed at me agrily. I didn't get a thing of what she said.
She was frightening. I couldn't see much of her face, but I could guess the expression of disgust. Somehow, I had done something.

"HEY!" Nicole yelled, not exactly liking someone assaulting me. Just looking at her, I knew she was ready to fight, even if it was obvious she would loose.

The one restraining me actually set her foot on my back, as if I wasn't already unable to move.

She turned to Nicole and the others before speaking in English, rolling each 'r':
"Do not worry, Earthlings. I am Sioné of the Aremi Militia. We will return you to your home planet on Gaea as soon as possible. We also apologize for this Thoeyian and everything they might have caused you. Their actions will not be without consequences, the Court of Interplanetarry will take care of it, since Earthling trafficking is illegal for non members of the ARR.''

To be honest, even if she was talking in English, I had no idea what she was talking about. All of her 'r' sound were greatly exaggerated, rolling her r at every chance she had, almost sounding like she was growling at us, instead of trying to calm us down. 

Oh, wait... she wasn't trying to help me at all...

Apparently, I had illegally snuggled out 'Earrrthlings' out of 'Gaea'.

Well what another nice perfectly normal day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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