Old feelings

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Naruto and Sakura were enjoyed their conversations after they ate. Talking about their past together as a team and how their kids remind them of themselves when they were their age. Naruto had always enjoyed sharing conversations like this since in the past all she ever did was Telling him how much of an idiot he was when they worked together. Though he wasn't completely bothered by that, it was nice having a normal conversation rather than being her punching bag. Naruto then decided that it was about time he went on home.

Going into the living he noticed a familiar photograph in a frame. It was a picture of team 7, with Sakura in the middle, Naruto on the right, Sasuke on the left, and Kakashi Hatake behind them.

Naruto: Oh man! This sure brings back a lot of memories.

Sakura: Yeah it does doesn't it? We were so young and full of energy back then, especially you Naruto.

Naruto: Yeah though you can't really say the same for Sasuke.

Sakura: I suppose so, even though he was really quiet, he seemed to care for us.

Naruto: Yeah you're right about that.

Naruto stared at the picture for what seemed like forever. Specifically, he was staring at Sakura in the picture. For some reason, Naruto felt a strange feeling. A feeling he hasn't felt in a very long time. Why is it coming back now?

Naruto: Sakura ...you're really beautiful....

It took Naruto a brief moment to process what he just said. The words came out of his mind without him even realizing it. Sakura was quiet. She was also trying to process what Naruto has said to her. Naruto closed his eyes in fear that the fists would soon come, but they never did. He turned to Sakura and noticed something. She was blushing a little bit.

Sakura: Oh......t-thank you Naruto

Naruto: N-No problem. Geez sorry about that Sakura that was probably completely random huh?

Sakura: It's fine......don't worry about it Naruto. Oh hey would you look at the time! You should probably head home Naruto, Hinata's probably lonely right now.
Naruto: Oh dang you're right! Thanks for the food Sakura, and have a nice day!

Sakura: No problem Naruto! See ya!

Sakura closed the door and leaned back on it. She was thinking about the words that came from Naruto "Sakura......you're really beautiful." She started to blush even more thinking about that. Sakura couldn't understand why she was reacting this way.

Later that day, Sakura was making dinner for Sarada since she had already returned from school. Sarada wandered into the kitchen where her mom was preparing the food.

Sarada: You feeling better mom?

Sakura: Yes, It was nice taking the day off from work. I feel much better now honey.

Sarada: That's great to hear mom.

Sarada went back to the dinner table and sat down. Sakura brought the two plates to the table and sat down to eat with her daughter.

Sakura: So how was school honey?

Sarada: It was fine, much of the work we did today was really easy, though it was hard to concentrate thanks to that idiot Boruto.

Sakura: What did he do?

Sarada: Same old stupid tricks, he tried pulling a prank on sensei with the old water bucket on top of the door trick. It failed miserably though.

Sarada then noticed her mom chuckling at her little story, she couldn't figure out why she was chuckling.

Sakura: Sorry, it's just that Boruto reminds me of his father a lot.

Sarada: you mean lord hokage?

Sakura: yes, Boruto is very much like Naruto back when he was his age.

Sarada: What was lord hokage like when he was younger?

Sakura: Well, back when Me, you're father, and Naruto were genin, Naruto was much like how Boruto is today.

Sarada: A big idiot?

Sakura: Yeah, except The difference between Boruto and Naruto of the past is that Naruto did the foolish things he did to get attention from the leaf villagers. While Boruto does these foolish things to get the attention of his own father.

Sarada: I guess that explains why he made a fool out of lord hokage by messing with the stone faces.

Sakura: But in the end Naruto grew out of these behaviors he gained friends and allies, and when he earned the respect of the leaf villagers.

Sarada: Why did he have to earn it?

Sakura: That's something you'll just have to tell lord hokage yourself.

Sarada: hmm ok

Sakura: yeah...Naruto truly did change a lot...

Her mind drifted back to that moment again. She couldn't figure out why she kept thinking about it. For some reason, Sakura wanted to hear those words from him again. "Sakura.....you're really beautiful." Remembering those words again started to make her blush again. She tried covering her face with her hands, but Sarada had already noticed.

Sarada: Mom? Is something wrong?

Sakura: Oh..o-of course sweetheart! Everything's fine!

Sarada: are you sure? Your face looks really red. Are you sure you're fine?

Sakura: Yep! Don't worry Sarada I'm alright! How about you finish up your food and I'll clean the plates okay?

Sarada: alright then.....

Sakura then took the plates and started washing them. She couldn't understand why she thought about him again. In front of her own daughter too!

It was already getting late, so Sakura decided that it was time to hit the hay. She brushed her teeth and went straight to her bed. She swiftly fell asleep.

End of Chapter 2

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