The Promise

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The day had already been over for Naruto. He was exhausted from all the hard work he went through and was looking forward to going back home, but he needed to head to Sakura's house first in. He needed to give her the news about Sasuke's return. He made sure he wasn't being followed while heading to her house. Fortunately for Naruto, It was already pretty dark outside and he didn't see anyone close by.

Sakura was watching TV all by herself on the couch. She was wondering if Naruto would come by tonight. Then she heard someone knocking on the door. She got up from the couch and went to it. She peeked through the peephole of the door to see that it was Naruto. She was really happy when she saw him, so she opened the door.

Sakura: Naruto!

Naruto: Hey Sakura.

After they had both greeted each other Sakura let Naruto into her home. The second Naruto entered the house Sakura didn't hesitate to give Naruto a big hug. She was thinking about the night they had shared with each other last night, and she was hoping for Naruto to come see her again.

Sakura: I missed you.....

Naruto: I missed you too Sakura. Wheres Sarada?

Sakura: She's at a sleepover with her friends.

Naruto: I see.

Sakura: What about your family? Aren't they going to wonder why your not home?

Naruto: It's okay. They're all asleep right now. Besides, they all know that I come home pretty late anyways.

Sakura: Oh, ok.

Naruto: Sakura, There's something you should know.

Sakura: What is it?

Naruto: Shikamaru gave me a message that came from Sasuke's hawk. It said that he'd be coming back next week.

Sakura: Oh....i see....

Naruto: Yeah.....

Sakura: Did it say what day?

Naruto: It said he'd be here next week on monday. He said he won't be staying long though.

Sakura: ....We'll have to be careful Naruto..

Naruto: Yeah i hear ya.

Sakura held Naruto a bit tighter and plunged her face to his chest. She was starting to feel anxious. Sasuke isn't a fool. If he notices that something seems off, he won't rest until he figures it out. The thought of her husband made her feel nervous. She loved Naruto, but she also didn't want to hurt her only daughter.

The same went for Naurto, except it'll ten times worse for him. He'll be hurting not only Hinata and Boruto, but his youngest daughter as well.

Naruto: Sakura, are you gonna sleep right now?

Sakura: Well I was going to, but now that you're here I guess i won't be yet.

Naruto: Good because I was wondering if you wanted to go to the training area.

Sakura: Right now? It's pretty late Naruto. What if someone sees us?

Naruto Don't worry nobody's ever around there this time of hour, besides since we only have these two days to be with each other like this I figured we should go out.

Sakura: Well..I guess so.

Naruto: Alright!

He gave Sakura a kiss on her forehead gave her a warm smile. She always loved it when Naruto smiled. It warmed her heart up whenever she saw it. Sakura went upstairs to check on Sarada first, she wanted to make sure she was sleeping. Then they both exited the houses and started making their way towards the the old training area.

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