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Naruto: Hinata....why?

Hinata: Why what Naruto?

Naruto: Ever since I was just a little kid, I was completely hated by the village. People didn't see me for who I truly am. Which Is why I did so many pranks, but then there was you. While you didn't talk much to me when we were little kids, I knew that you were a really nice person that saw having a conversation with me difficult. For me to do this to you. For me to end this marriage like this because of my feelings. Why? Why aren't you angry with me?

More tears started to pour down from Naruto's eyes as his hug with Hinata got a little tighter. Sakura began to cry a bit as well.

Hinata: Naruto......It's because I love you....there's nothing that you yourself could ever do that could make me angry with you.

They both stood there for a moment. Taking in their final moments of embrace for letting each other.

Naruto: So then....I guess this is it then.

Hinata: Yeah...it seems so.

Naruto: Hinata....I'm glad I was able to save you that day.

Hinata: And I'm glad you did...Naruto.

Boruto:.....I knew it.....

Everyone in the living room froze when they heard the familiar voice. They turned to see that it was Boruto.

Naruto: B-Boruto?! Why are you here?!

Boruto: I skipped school today and followed you....I knew there was something going on, but....I didn't wanna believe it.

Hinata: Boruto......

Boruto: You...you ungrateful bastard....how could you? Just when I thought you couldn't get any worse....

Naruto: Boruto...I-


Sakura: Boruto please calm down!


After that Sakura didn't say a word. She couldn't really say anything in defense since what Boruto was saying was right. Her family may have accepted her, but she knew that Naruto's family would take this news rough.

Naruto: Boruto! That's enough! Please just calm down and-

Suddenly Boruto charged straight towards his dad and kicked him in the face.


Hinata: Naruto!

Naruto fell straight to the ground after the sudden kick to the face while Boruto continued to attack his dad. He got on top of him and started to bring down a rain of punches on his own dad, but Naruto didn't seem to make any attempt to defend himself or even tried to get Boruto off of him. Hinata was going to help Naruto, but he simply lifted his hand up to Hinata and motioned her to not interfere with what Boruto's doing. He knew that this would be the only way for his son to calm down, so he took his rage and punches. This wasn't his first time he had to deal with a situation like this.

He was beginning to lose vision from his right eye and blood starting running from his nose. The punches were beginning to slow down as he felt tears dropping on his chest. With one right eye still working he looked to see that Boruto was beginning to cry. The flow of punches completely stopped and all that was left was a beaten up Naruto and a tear filled Boruto.

Boruto: Why...didn't you defend yourself?

Naruto: B-Because..I've never really been the kind....to hurt my own child.

Boruto: You old bastard. Saying stuff like that.....at a time like this.....

Naruto: I'm sorry Boruto...I failed you and your sister..as a father.

Boruto: .....Don't be an idiot..

Naruto: Huh?

Boruto got off of his dad and Naruto managed to gain enough strength to stand back up.

Boruto: I know im young..but im not dumb as well. I..I understand how you feel, and just thinking about that..really angers me.

Naruto: Boruto...I know all this is way too sudden and I'm sorry you had to find out like this, but it's the truth. I'm.....in love with Sakura...

Boruto didn't bother to look at his father. He just continued staring at the floor. Wondering whether or not this was truly reality.

Boruto: ...More than your actual family?

Naruto: Boruto...I love you and your younger sister. When the both of you were born I was pretty much the happiest man I could ever be, but your mother and I....I have feelings that I decided to try and forget about a long time ago Boruto. It was to try and build a new future for this family, but as it turns out...it was a lot harder than I thought.

Boruto: I....don't even know what to say to you.

Naruto: Whatever's on your mind. Whether it's bad or good just know that i'll always love you and your sister.

After listening to what his dad had to say he didn't know what to do. Crying seemed to be the only thing that he could do, but then he decided on something.

Boruto: I...I want time.

Naruto: Time?

Boruto: I want time to process this. I need to think about all this.

Naruto: Of course Boruto.

He went upstairs to his room and landed face first on his bed. The day seemed to be long for him. Which was probably enough time for him to think about what happened.

End of Chapter 11 

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