Her Happiness

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Sasuke: New jutus? Have you mastered your fireball jutsu?

Sarada: No but i-

Sasuke: Then maybe when you mastered it, I'll show you some new jutsu okay?

Sarada: Okay..

Sasuke: Is something wrong Sakura?

Sakura: Oh it's nothing..

Sakura was expecting her daughter to tell him everything, but for some reason she didn't. They had eaten their food for the night. Sakura was cleaning the plates while her daughter was helping her out. They didn't say a word to each other. It was almost time for Sakura to go to sleep. Her husband was already in bed and asleep. Sakura had finished brushing her teeth and started making her way to the room, but then Sarada called her out.

Sarada: Mom...can I talk to you for a minute?

Sakura: of course sweety.

She then followed Sarada into her room and closed the door. She sat on the bed with her.

Sakura: .....why didn't you tell him?

Sarada: I've decided......

Sakura: decided?

Sarada: ......That I won't tell anyone.

Sakura: ....really?

Sarada: Yes.....

Sakura: I.....why?

Sarada: Well....I thought about it really hard. At first I was really mad at you. To do something like this when your already married to dad is wrong, but then I realized that you must've been really happy to be with lord hokage. I wanted to understand your feelings for him, so when you left my room to see that you were crying...was really hard for me to watch.

Sakura: Sarada......

Sarada: So I've decided that I won't tell anyone about your relationship with him. Not even to dad, but I want you to promise me one thing mom.

Sakura: What is it?

Sarada: That you'll one day tell dad about your feelings, and that lord hokage well tell his wife about his feelings as well. It isn't fair for his family.

After Sarada had said her piece, Sakura was silent for a moment. Then suddenly her mother gave her a big hug. Sarada felt tear drops on her back and heard Sakura crying.

Sakura: .....Thank you....my daughter. Your so understanding.

Sarada: Mom...you should head back to bed. You have work tomorrow right?

Sakura: Your right dear.

Sakura wiped her tears and went towards the door, but she wanted to say one more thing to her daughter before heading to bed.

Sakura: Hey Sarada.

Sarada: Yeah?

Sakura: I'm...i'm glad I was able to have such an amazing daughter in my world.

Sarada: ...Thanks mom...i'm glad to have you in my life as well.

Sakura gave her a warm smile before heading to closing the door to her room. Sarada smiled to herself. She felt as if though she did something right. She was willing to accept her mom's feelings for Naruto in the end. She chose this because she wanted her to be happy.

The next day Naruto was working relentlessly. Paperwork after paperwork, file after file. He was he lucky he lived a new generation where computers were made for situations like this. It helped him organize his stuff a little better. Just when he thought he was done with his first batch of papers, Shikamaru came in with another stack of papers bigger than the last.

Naruto: Oh boy..Just when I thought I was done with this batch.

Shikamaru: Yep and you have the honors of checking those out while I go and see if there's any more for you to take in.

Naruto: Yeah you got it.

Shikamaru then proceeded to exit the room. As he was walking down the hallway he saw Sakura with some papers in hand which were probably for the hokage.

Shikamaru: Hey Sakura.

Sakura: oh hey Shikamaru!

Shikamaru: Are those for lord hokage? I can take those off your hand if you'd like.

Sakura: No thanks. I'll just take it to him if thats ok with you.

Shikamaru: No problem. Take care Sakura. I got some errands to run.

Sakura: See ya around.

They both then proceed to part ways and Sakura made her way to the hokage office. She opened the door to see that Naruto was hard at work. She was so proud of him. When she closed the door Naruto took noticed and saw that it was Sakura.

Sakura: Hey love.

Naruto: Sakura? What are you doing here?

Sakura: Well some of the staff in the hospital told me to deliver these papers to you. Its a request for funds. The details should all be in there.

Naruto: Oh sure no problem. I'll be sure to look into this. So umm..

Sakura: Yes?

Naruto: What did Sarada say last night?

Sakura: Well....

Sakura then started walking closer to naruto and hugged him.

Naruto: Sakura?

Sakura: Naruto....she accepted us.

Naruto: She did?! Really?!

Sakura: Yeah she did.....you don't know how happy I was last night. She told us that she wouldn't tell anyone about this.

Naruto: Wow......i'm so glad.....i'm so happy that I don't get to lose you.

Sakura: I'm happy too, but she told us to one day reveal our relationship to our.....current partners in marriage.

Naruto: Yeah I know....Its pretty much the same thing I told you Sakura.....remember that night?

Sakura: Of course I remember you dummy.....how could I ever forget......I even still remember our first night.

Naruto: Yeah...I remember that too.

Sakura: Naruto.....when that time comes....I hope for it too be soon....I think I'll be ready for it.

Naruto: Of you are....your super strong after all.

Sakura: Not as strong as you!

They both started to laugh with each other. Sharing this small little celebration. Then they shared a quick kiss.

Sakura: Well, I'd better head back to the hospital.

Naruto: Yeah I gotta get back to work too.

Sakura: Oh and by the way....Sasuke said he'd be leaving soon..

Naruto: Really?

Sakura: Yeah....you already know what to do don't you?

Naruto: You bet..

Sakura: See you tonight love....

And with that she left the room, and she left Naruto a little red after what she said.

End of Chapter 9

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