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From Punisher season 2, enjoy!

Eri and Midoriya are walking through the street, the young girl has a phone to her ear.

« Oh my god is that Eri! She's so tall! » Mina squealed with delight.

« She became a beautiful woman. » State Aoyoma.

« Seriously, you have no idea how awful it is being the second assistant. » Was saying Eri to the other person on the phone. Midoriya had a little smile while shaking his head.

« Um, yes, so I... Just really quickly, I wanted to, um... I wanted to triple-confirm Mr Poloznev's usual breakfast time and, like, triple-delay my inevitable firing. » Continued Eri.

« I think she's lying, about the fact she's an assistant. » Observes Todoroki.

« Perfect. Oh, thank you so much. You've been so helpful. What's your name? » The person on the line answered.
« Deb. » Repeat Eri « Okay, I'm Ashley. » 

« I was right. » Said Todoroki.

« And I'm sure we'll be speaking again soon. Cool, cool. Thanks. Bye. » Then she hangs up.

« Cool, cool, huh? » Repeat Deku with a smirk.

« What a stupid thing to fucking tell. » Mumble Bakugou.

The scene comes back to a black car pulling off next to a restaurant. Eri and Izuku are observing from the other street; the couple and their daughter wearing a school uniform and carrying an instrument case.

Eri was saying all the information from the man wearing a suit:
-" So, Poloznev's a creature of habit. Gets breakfast with his kid every morning. » She add with sarcasm: « You know, I bet he wakes up every day and pats himself on the back for being such a special parent. »

They were observing the family, the young white hair says a comment while watching the daughter of Poloznev:
« God, kids are weakness. » Her eyes shift and hang her head regretfully.

« Not the brightest idea to say to the guys who lost his family. » Drily expresses Jirou.

Midoriya notice Eri's face but didn't say anything about it, just order a « Let's go. »

Across the school, girls wearing school uniforms were going in, chatting a front of it. Deku and the young girl were sitting on a bench observing the school.

« This place costs $40,000 a year, just for tuition. » 

After earring the price; Uraraka nearly fainted. Iida had to shake her a bit and shout:
« Uraraka stay with us! »

Always using her sacarsm she says: « I'm sure they all come out as well-rounded, decent human beings. » 

« Yeah, maybe we'll see if we can get you a spot, huh? Sign you up for the glee club. » Answered Midoriya.

Everybody laugh at the joke of the green bean.

« Yeah, you might as well just shoot me now. » Deku smiled at her answer.

He responds: « Only someone who's never been shot would say something stupid like that. »

Eri chuckles: « Okay, fair. »

She then glances at Midoriya face, and stares at the school, and ask with a gentle voice:
« Is this what you would have wanted for Lisa, if you could? Send her someplace like this? » 

« Lisa? » Questionned Denki.

« He's daughter dumbass. » Spilled Bakugou.

Avoiding her gaze, Midoriya takes a breath: « Yeah, I don't know. I... I don't really think about it. » 

« You don't think about her? » 

« I always think about her. » He clears his throat and continued « But she's gone, so... »
He couldn't finish his sentence, he was looking away, his eyes were teary and sadness was painted on his face. He was holding his tears.

« I think I'm going to cry if he cries. » Murmured Mina tears already falling.

All the class had watery eyes.

Eri suggest with still a gentle voice: « You should think about her. You should think about who she's be now. Let her live in your head. Happy. Doing stuff. You know? How old would she be by now? »

Deku wets his lips: « Next month's her birthday. » He softly, trying to get the words out: «She'll be... She'd be 15. Yeah. »

« She was young when... » Could be eared in the room and « She will be nearly our age. »

Eri chuckles: « Oh, man. Wow. Yeah, well, she'd be doing stuff, all right. But you'd be in so much trouble by now. Trust me. She'd be scaring the life out of you. You know, she'd be going out and boys knocking on the door... »

She was trying to bring a small smile to his face, but nothing changed. She saw his hunted expression, fixing on an invisible point. So she decided to change the subject by talking about the young girls going to school:

« You think they know? Some of their parents kill people? »


Every one had watery eyes, some of them were crying from watching this poor man who lost his daughter.

Uraraka whispered: « Poor Deku. »

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