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To lazy to write all the french conversation. And for the writing of this fic, it's going to be: two chapters with scene without Midoriya and two chapters with Midoriya. Enjoy! (From Daredevil season 2)

Yaoyorozu and Jacques are sitting at the bar in an airport. They have a friendly conversation until the French man asked her name. Yaoyorozu gives him a fake name.

Earring her answer, he smiles and then say:
« I thought your name is Momo? »

 « How do you know my name? » She asked with a smile.

« I know who you are. I know what you've done, and who you have killed. » 

« I'm a killer. » Murmured Momo shocked.

Jacques tells the list of the victims of the deadly woman:
« The list is long. The pilot in Buenos Aires, the lawyer in Berlin, and that very messy episode in Morocco. » 

« So not cool for the killings but so cool for the traveling. » State Mina.

« I'm still trying to understand how one woman can fit six bodies in the trunk of a Maserati. »

 « Cutting, breaking are the two first solutions. » Says Tokoyami.

Momo rubs a chin and smile gently she then ask:
« Are you gonna try to kill me? »

Jacques sighs softly and answer:
« Something like that. »

She nods back:
« Well, you ought to know... » She finishes her drink, takes off her scarf and add:
« It's rude to keep a girl waiting. » 

« So manly! » Shout Kirishima.

Momo flings him against the bar, he grabs a glass and throw at her, she smashed it with a kick. Jacques charge her in the midsection, she tackles her, threw lamps and furnitures.

« Why she doesn't use her quirk? » Questionned Denki.

« Because I probably don't have one. » Momo tells him.

He pins her down to the floor; but Yaoyorozu manage to throw him off and elbow him in his rib cage. They both stand up. She kicks him in the face. Jacques answer back with punches and kicks, but Momo manages to block them. But the man manages to grab her arm and punch her in the stomach. Knee her in the head turns her around and kick her in the back and send her on the floor.

Everybody was on edge watching them fight.

Momo grabs a cork-screw and try to stab him at the moment he grabs her to make her stand her up but avoid the attack with trouble. And disarm her, but she connects with a hard left, follow by a spin kick. She charges him punches him and throw a kick that send him to the ground.

« She's a good fighter. » State All Might.

Jacques stands up, but Momo throw kicks, onto his stomach and one to his face, send him skinning on the ground beneath a plane wing. Has he scrambled to stand up, Momo slip a top of the wing and throw her legs around his neck. But Jacques grabs her neck and body slam on the wing. They both fall on the floor. They both breath heavily, Jacques stand on his knee and takes a pair of sai from his back. He slashed at Yaoyorozu but she dodges them. She grabs his wrist slams the blades into his gut and then step behind him and drove the other between his shoulder blade.

Everybody breathes in real life by the victory of Yaoyorozu even if it means the death of Jacques.

The french man falls on his knee, she casually walks around him to face him. Momo grabs both weapons and turns them making him gagging. 

She then says with irritation:
« Listen to me asshole. » 

« First time I heard Yaoyorozu cursed. » Observed Todoroki.

She continued:

« I don't care what the Hand wants, with me or anyone else. This is not my war. »

Jacques coughs and says with blood in his mouth:

« The Hand didn't send me. All Might did. » He smiles. 

Momo twist both side and wants them free sais in both hands. The dead body of Jacques fell on the floor. Blood is on Yaoyorozu's hands and top. She tight the weapons from anger.


- « So it's like this she knows that All Might wants her dead. » Remark Jirou.

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