Chapter 24 ~ Morning

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   When I woke up in the morning, I was welcomed by Anthony's arm wrapped around me. I smiled. He was hugging me all night. He used to do this when we were younger, too. Especially when his dad was in the hospital. The day his dad died was very sad. It is so hard for a friend to stay positive during such a gloomy time.

   A few months back, Anthony mom remarried to a guy named John, and that's what Anthony calls him. Not Dad, John. Anthony loves his dad so much, and I don't think he ever wants to call anther man by that title.

I didn't want to move Anthony's arm, but I had to get out of bed, and so did he. So I then lightly pushed on his arm and said softly,

"Anthony, time to wake up."

He fidgeted a little bit, but then continued to sleep, so I spoke a tiny bit louder.

" Anthonyyyy, wake uppp."

Finally, he slowly woke up and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Mag. How'd you sleep?"

"Very good actually, what about you?"

"I slept fine. Wanna go downstairs for breakfast now?"

"Yeah. I just have to wake Josh up first."

Anthony laughed a little bit.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about him. Well, I'll go set the table and ask John to make us waffles while you wake up your friend."


I walked over to Anthony's guest bedroom and slowly opened the door. I then peeked my head inside.

"Josh, time to g..."

No one was in there.


He had disappeared. Josh was nowhere in sight. I ran down the stairs to tell Anthony.


   He was startled by my call and he jumped.


"Josh isn't in his room!"

"Well, maybe he just went outside. Why don't you go check while John makes us waffles?"

"Okay, I'll go look."

   I turned towards the door and glanced back at Anthony, who was still looking at me. He was also smiling to himself. I ,in turn, smiled as I walked out the door.

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