Chapter 3 ~ The Past

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When I woke up the next day, I decided to put all of the craziness from last night behind me and just relax. After all, I was going for a calming walk down the boardwalk, one of my favorite things to do.

When I lived in New York, I never really was able to walk around freely and just take in the view. There really was no view anyway. All of the buildings blocked out the sunset, and the stars weren't visible through the smoke in the air. It was like having a big smokey bubble over the city, blocking the outside world.

When you would breathe in through your nose, all that you'd smell was more smoke and occasionally hot dogs. Now, I can smell the fresh ocean air and feel all of my worries float away with the sea.

It was a big change for me in third grade, moving from a huge city to a smaller one beside the ocean. It seemed a little scary at first, but now I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

Speaking of things being scary at first, I remember my first experience of school here, when I first met Anthony. No one talked to me or did anything with me at all for the first two weeks of school.

Then at lunch one day, I was eating alone at a table (as usual), when a kind of short little red haired boy walked over to me and said,

"Hi, my name is Anthony! Can I sit here?"

Shocked and delighted that someone wanted to sit by me, I nodded and moved over for him to sit by me.

"What's your name?" Anthony had asked.

"My name is Maggie, and I just moved here from New York."

"Wow, what's it like to live in such a big city?"

"Um, nice I guess. You can't see the sunset like you can here though. The stars are pretty much invisible as well."

"Oh, well I don't have soccer practice tonight, so do you want to watch the sun go down tonight? I have the perfect spot for us to sit at."

I thought about it for a little bit and then said,

"Sure, why not?"

Ever since then, we have been the bestest friends in the world.

I threw on my purple sweatshirt with a dolphin on it and went out to meet up with Anthony so we could go on our mid day walk. I couldn't wait.

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