Chapter 2

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*Thoughts are in asterisks like this*

This chapter isn't very exciting, it's basically just what happens at the army camp but with a few different things in it. Also I am using a script so lots of the dialogue will be the same, the next  chapter will be more exciting I promise.

At Military Camp

You and Steve were standing next to each other in a line consisting of the men who were much more muscular, and taller than you. You were deep in thought about the future ahead of your, but a voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Attention!" A feminine British voice said.

You turned your head to see a beautiful woman with dark brown curls that went a little below her shoulders, brown eyes, and red lipstick. She was wearing a military uniform, so you assumed she would be the one supervising you.

"Gentlemen, and lady," She said glancing at you, "My name is Agent Carter. I will be supervising your induction today."

She gave each of us standing in the line a clipboard with paper that said 'LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT' on it. The men standing next to us seemed nervous about this, but it didn't bother you or Steve, you two weren't afraid of death, especially if it was for serving our country.

Agent Carter hands a clipboard to a man named Hodge, and he says "What's up with the accent, Queen Victoria? I thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army."

Agent Carter looks almost amused by this. "What's your name, soldier?"

"Gilmore Hodge, your majesty." He says as he does a little bow.

*Man, this guy is pissing me off*  You thought to yourself.

"Step forward, Hodge" Agent Carter commands, as she points to where he should stand, "Right leg forward, arms like so..." She says as she moves his arm.

"We gonna rassle?" Hodge says smugly, "' Cause I know I got a few moves you like that."

You roll your eyes and see Agent Carter walk closer to Hodge and says, "Are you familiar with the art of Jui Jitsu, wherein your opponent's size and momentum are used against him?"

Hodge looks confused, "No..." he says.

After he says that, Peggy Carter pulls her arm back and pulls it forward, punching Hodge right in the nose, making it draw blood.

Peggy shakes her wrist and says, "Neither am I." 

You and Steve both snicker at what happened, trying to contain your laughter.

Peggy continues to walk in front of the line until someone calls out her name.

"Agent Carter!" A man says, walking up to her.

Everyone straightens up as Colonel Phillips approaches with Erskine following behind.

"Colonel Phillips." Peggy greets him with a handshake.

"I see your breaking in candidates, that's good," He says, taking a look at Hodge's bloody nose, "You," He says to Hodge, "Get over there in that line and stand at attention until someone tells you what to do."

Hodge quickly goes back to his spot and Colonel Phillips continues, "General Patton has said that "wars are fought with weapons and won by men," He said, walking in front of the line with his hands behind his back, "We're going to win this war because we have the" He pauses a moment and looks at you and Steve and turns to Erksine and scowls, but he goes on, "And because they are going to get much better," He says taking a glance at you and Steve.

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