Chapter 9- Like Old Times

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(Y/n) couldn't believe what she heard. Her apartment was blown up and destroyed? With that being said, she had to see it for herself. As much as she wanted to acknowledge that Atsushi was telling her the truth, Dazai was the one who mainly prevented her from doing so.

After changing into an article of new clothing that Dazai managed to scavenge for her, the usual members of the Armed Detective Agency joined her on the quick walk to her apartment. As much as (Y/n) needed to confront the leader, Yukichi Fukuzawa, about the White Tiger case, her own home being a target for her attention was more concerning.

"You could have chosen a more professional-looking outfit for me," (Y/n) mumbled under her breath. Dazai chuckled as he received an aggressive snare from the woman walking beside him. "Well, if you don't like it then why was it in your closet? I think it looks nice on you," he replied. Instead of wearing a uniform that usually covered her figure and presenting herself to be more intimidating, (Y/n) wore clothing the complete opposite of that.

An (f/c), wool, skin-tight, and long-sleeved, one-piece sweater shaped her figure and revealed all of her curves. It had a turtle-neck collar that was folded neatly under her chin, sleeves that ended at her wrist and hooked at her thumbs, and, lastly, it ended at her upper thighs. To top it all off, she was given a pair of soft-leather, combat boots that matched the same shade of color.

(Y/n) scoffed as she rolled her eyes. She constantly kept tugging the jumpsuit down as she marched up a flight of stairs. This was more of a date-night outfit, but she wasn't willing to openly admit that. (Y/n)'s apartment complex was a total of seven stories high, and she lived on the sixth floor. Even though the housing was more modern and affordable on the wealthy side, the elevator was under maintenance and has been for the past three days.

From the outside, this living facility looked very elegant and friendly. It was constructed in burgundy bricks that went straight up and had statue decorations beside the front door, small, rectangular windows added to the overall look of the building in a symmetrical pattern all around. Each apartment room had at least two to three windows to view from. Some of the more expensive rooms, which was the fifth to the seventh floor, had cream-white balconies. Lastly, the roof was steep, square-shaped, and was covered with dark-grey and wooden shingles.

Now, the inside really topped the cake of beauty. In fact, it was the choosing of the decoration that really made this place crowded with citizens. Once someone stepped into the warm and welcoming complex, a smile was always given. However, if a particular person looked out of place, then a lobbyist would step in and make assumptions. In other words, there indeed were serious precautions constantly in order. From the lobby entered a long and wide hallway that went in two directions. On the left including an indoor gym and swimming area, and on the right led to the elevator shaft, stairwell, and lower housing rooms. In all honesty, this complex was no different from a hotel.

Upon the walls were the photographs of the city or abstract art of various colors. The floorboards all over were dark oak and made the beige walls seem bland in color. Each hallway, including the one (Y/n) and the others, were walking down, was lightened up with bright wall lamps that never turned off.

Atsushi and Doppo also followed behind Dazai and (Y/n), but neither of them said a word to one another. "Oh, don't mind the police tape, I put that there myself," Dazai grinned. Once the four reached the floor (Y/n) lived on, they approached a door that was marked with yellow tape. It was the farthest and last space on the right, but it was beyond obvious on which room was hers due to the busted down door. "Where did he get the tape from?" Doppo asked Atsushi. Atsushi hummed, then cackled awkwardly when (Y/n) peeked behind her. "Oh! Um, we only found it. Um, outside?" It was a clear lie, but it couldn't have been addressed at that moment.

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