Chapter 21- Dance With Me

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"Dance with me?" Osamu asked softly. (Y/n) turned to look at Dazai in wonder and in mystery, but there was a smile slowly appearing on her face. "Dance with you? In the rain? You want to dance with me in the rain after the day I had?" (Y/n) questioned.

As if she wasn't flattered by the request, she simply shrugged her shoulders and held out a hand to him. "I guess a few minutes wouldn't hurt. But I don't how to dance," she whispered. Osamu smiled as he snickered faintly. He took (Y/n)'s hand and pulled her out from underneath the large tarp and onto the street into the chilling rain. "I'll teach you," he said. "I'll be controlling your every move, unlike you." (Y/n) awkwardly laughed to that reference made about her ability, but that was only because she was nervous now.

As the rain-soaked their hair and clothes, Osamu took both of (Y/n)'s hands and guided them where they needed to be. One was placed on his shoulder while the other remained interlocked with his. "One step back, then two forward. Repeating the process again and again," Dazai stated. As simple as it sounded, it was. (Y/n) and Dazai took slow and short steps in the process he instructed. Their eyes continued to hold a gaze with one another's as they did so. To Osamu, it was unclear to what (Y/n) was thinking.

There were so many emotions locked away behind those glossy, (e/c) eyes of hers. Thankfully, and perhaps only in that moment, he didn't see the hate she had for him. (Y/n) thoughts weren't clear to her either. In fact, she was only picturing the young face of Osamu in her mind. She was comparing him to who he was now. From the last time, she saw to this moment now even. "Now, you spin," Dazai mumbled. Once more, another easy gesture was made. (Y/n) spun in a circle, then placed her hand back on his shoulder before the two started taking baby-steps again.

The rain continued to drizzle steadily, and the breeze of the wind blew gently. No cars honked or flown by them with a splash either, and no one was around to witness this unimaginable moment between them. Osamu kept his hand resting on (Y/n)'s side, and he could feel the warmth of her skin through that thin sweater of hers. It made him smile and caused her to do the same when she had seen his. Before a comment could be made, Osamu swiftly dipped (Y/n) towards the ground. She was indeed taken by surprise, but then started to laugh as the rain sprinkled onto her face.

Dazai chuckled too, but for a different reason. He had never heard her laugh before, and hers was contagious. "Maybe I walk you to your hotel room?" Osamu asked. Once (Y/n) and Dazai was back in their own spaces and out of one another's grip, she nodded. "I wouldn't mind that." Seconds later, their smiles faded when the echoing of thunder shook the ground.

The skies above were getting darker, and that only meant that getting out of the weather was a smart option. Their walk to (Y/n)'s motel room didn't last. Not only were they nearly running together hand in hand, but because she was staying a block away from the Armed Detective Agency.

"Hurry and open the door," Dazai whined. "It's getting cold!" "Wait! The key in the pocket of my satchel," (Y/n) squealed back. As if everything was funny to them, they couldn't stop laughing. Even once out of the rain and into the motel room, they continued to giggle like mischievous children.

Even though the motel was cheap-looking on the outside, (Y/n)'s private room felt more like a suit due to the designing of it. The king-sized bed was made neatly by the housekeeper hours ago. The carpet styled with mini geometric patterns was vacuumed and sprayed to smell fresh. Unfortunately, the large window, which was covered by the blinds and a bright, yellow curtain, didn't allow natural light to filter through. Even if it was open, the dark skies above wouldn't allow it.

There was a half-wall that split the bedroom area and the small oak wood kitchen and mini bar apart too. Lastly, the private bathroom, which had a fancier and marble taste to it, was located in the same area as the bed. The maid even took it upon herself to bring (Y/n)'s laundry in and fold it neatly on the counter next to the sink.

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