Chapter 20- Too Delicate

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"Dance with them through your apology," Dazai repeated to himself. That memory was too delicate to be constantly reminded of. In fact, Osamu hasn't thought about that day since it was the present back then. Still to this day, even though it was years later, Osamu wasn't fully sure of what Odasaku actually meant by the word dance.

"Hey, you!" (Y/n) called out. After gathering her belongings and transferring them to another hotel room, (Y/n) spotted the young, blonde woman that she accidentally bumped into the other day. The woman gasped and nearly dropped a ring of keys, which she was using to unlock the room (Y/n) was going to be staying in. "I believe you have the wrong room," (Y/n) laughed. As skittish as the woman was, she chuckled nervously and slowly slipped one of her hands into the pockets of her black slacks. "O-oh. You must be (Y/n). I'm t-the manager," the woman informed. "I was checking to see if the room was ready. We a-are understaffed."

(Y/n) nodded and purses her lips as a response. She then waited for the manager to find the right key, which she finally did. "Okay, here you are," said the woman. "Thank you. And I'm sorry for bumping into you the other day. Not sure if you heard me," (Y/n) spoke as she headed inside the small room. The motel was one-story, and it wasn't as fancy as her last one. To be honest, if she wanted a high maintenance place, she would have ended up staying at a cheap one, like this one, until a room was available.

Again, the woman did not comment to (Y/n)'s apology. After (Y/n) placed her bags on the ground and wheeled her suitcase next to the bed, she turned around and made an expression of annoyance. Before she could say anything, she realized that the blonde-haired woman had disappeared. "So much for her," (Y/n) sighed. Seconds later, her cellphone started to vibrate in her pocket and the call wasn't an enjoyable one. As (Y/n) proceeded to talk with Kunikida, she kept her back towards the stranger sneaking in through the door, which was left wide open still. "Okay, I'll get there as soon as I-. Hmph!"

A large hand slipped around her mouth as another took ahold of her wrist and made her drop the cellphone. "I'm terribly sorry for this," the intruder whispered. His voice was deep, yet calming. "This makes me feel very yuck." (Y/n) squealed and tried to fight against the tall man that was dressed all in black. While she squirmed, he helped her tightly and removed a fabric of cloth from the pocket of his trench-coat. "Sleep tight though," he said. Those were the last words and sounds she heard before the world faded into a black and silent state.

"Mori," (Y/n) sighed. "Do you think my grandfather will get better? He's feeling ill, isn't he?" The young granddaughter of the Port Mafia boss was getting her hair brushed as she asked question after question about her Pops. While (Y/n)' s grandfather was resting, Mori was getting her ready for bed in her own room down the hallway. She shared this room with Elsie, who was coloring on the ground beside the bed. "I can't promise you anything," Mori answered. "But do know that whatever happens, I'll be here to take care of you. You know that, right?"

(Y/n) smiled as her hair was starting to feel softer and knot-free within each brushstroke. "Of course!" she laughed. She then stood up and bounced twice on the bed before jumping onto Mori's lap. The girl was only seven, but she knew so much about her chosen path already. "And when I'm a leader, I'll be the one taking care of you!" Mori grinned as he scooped up the girl and gently lied her on the bed. He pulled the (f/c) sheets over (Y/n) after giving her a gentle rub on the cheek with his thumb. "You have a while before you become a leader. Even then, I'll still look after you."

To escape that too delicate of a memory, (Y/n) forced herself awake. Her eyes popped open and the first thing she saw was a large fountain spraying crystal-clear, sparkling water. As she tried to move, she noticed that her whole body was snug in multiple branches of wood. Her mouth was also wrapped and gagged with a giant leaf that would be seen growing on a grapevine.

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