Chapter 11

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Jenna pov

I woke up in a bed the next day. My head pounded and I sat up. I was definitely having a hangover. I looked next to me and saw an unconscious Niall laying stretched out and butt naked. I looked down and swore. I was also naked. I shook Niall and he woke next to me. He groaned and his fingers found his temple as his hangover hit him. He sat up as well and looked at my body, then at his. He swore as well. Then he looked at my face and reached out, inspecting my lips.
"You pierced your lip." He said. I looked in my phone mirror and gasped at the two silver dots sticking out of my lip.
"You pierced your eyebrow." I said. He did the same with his phone. Then he rubbed his eyes and stared at me again.
"You dyed your hair last night." He said. I looked at my hair. I had dyed my hair a light purple. I felt a sudden burning in my left wrist and gasped. Niall immediately looked at me as I inspected the underside of my wrist. Niall was written in cursive with a half a heart around it. The jagged end facing to the left. Niall grabbed at his wrist, gasping as well. I looked at the underside of his wrist to find my name written in cursive with the same half heart around it. But his jagged part of the heart piece was facing to his right. I pushed my wrist next to him and we both gasped as the hearts joined together to form a whole heart.
"What the hell did we do last night?!" I asked.
"I have no idea." He said. I looked at him, his blonde hair was ruffled and sticking out in all directions, probably from my own hands.
"Is that your first tattoo?" I asked. Niall nodded softly.
"You?" I nodded as well. Nialls phone suddenly rang and he picked it up from the bedside table. The caller ID read "Liam the Payne." He picked it up and held it to his ear.
"Niall where are you? You and Jenna didn't come home last night and you haven't fed since the night before." I watched Nialls hand snake to his throat as he swallowed as he spoke.
"We are in some hotel Liam. I don't know what happened last night. We got drunk and got tattoos and Jenna dyed her hair." He said. I slid from the bed and got dressed. I threw Nialls clothes at him where he lay on the bed. He slowly got dressed as he continued to talk to Liam. I walked around the room and found a card with the name of a hotel on it. I tossed it to Niall who read it into the phone.
"Liam were at the forest In. Liam get here quick, in getting hungry." He said a little softer as if I couldn't hear him as I looked at myself in the mirror. I turned and sat on the end of the bed as I watched Niall pick up a water bottle and bring it to his lips. He took a swig and instantly choked. I jumped up as he spit the water out. The inside of his mouth sizzled and turned bright red for a moment before healing.
"Vervain!" He breathed as he healed and pushed me away.
"Jenna you have to listen to me. Go and leave now. Go to the bus and I'll meet you there. I don't want to hurt you." He said. His big blue eyes searched mine as I shook my head.
"No Niall. I believe you won't hurt me. I trust you." I said. The last words were almost whispered.
"Please." He whispered. I shook my head and his eyes darkened.
"Jenna..." His voice was gruff and mean. I recognized this Niall from when he lost control at tinley park. He pushed me once again, causing me to stumble and fall on my bum. He braced himself against the opposite wall. His eyes grew red and he groaned. He looked at me and I stood. His face twisted in pain as I took a step back. I desperately tried to control the fear that showed on my face but failed when Niall began to advance towards me.
"Niall." My voice shook and I spotted a flash of recognition in his eyes and he briefly stopped before it vanished and he advanced again. Now he backed me up until I was pressed to a wall with him hovering with his lips brushing my neck softly. His jagged breathing made me flinch as it hit my neck.
"Niall." I whispered and his arms shot up to hold my head. He kissed my neck softly, his fangs brushing against my skin. I took a slow shaky breath before Nialls grip tightened on me and his fangs pushed into my skin. I stayed silent as he slowly drunk from me. When I felt the blood growing thin in my body I called his name again and he quickly reeled back. He cried out in pain before his head sink down to lay on my shoulder. My arms wrapped around his back and I hugged him to me.
"See. I told you that you could do it." I whispered and he smiled into my shoulder. Then the door slammed open and the lads rushed in.
"Niall?" Liam asked, stepping closer.
"Liam." He whispered as his arms tightened around me. Louis and Harry also came forward with their hands out warily.
"Niall back away from Jenna." Harry said softly. I looked up and at Niall with my eyebrows narrowed in confusion. Niall looked blankly down at me and slowly stepping away. His eyes never left me as I turned to the lads.
"Guys were fine. He's fine. He drank from me but he....." I was cut off by Zayn.
"He drank from you?!" He gasped. The lads gazes instantly widened and flashed to Niall and back to me. I looked to Niall and he looked at me. He had little streaks of my blood in the corners of his mouth. I walked over to him and licked my thumb before wiping off my blood. He smiled at me and when I turned his hand slipped into mine.
"Yes he did. And he is a big boy now and can control his cravings." I said with a short smile.
"We'll sort of...." Niall blushed hard and we all stifled laughs.

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