November 24th

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November 24, 1993.

This time of the year came so soon this year; I wasn't ready for it, nor I was last year. I believe this time it hits harder because my "date" was very recent, and it didn't go so well, or at least what I expected it. It was so awkward to recall, so I opted for staying in bed longer, and pretending I wasn't aware of anything. Sure I could spend the day in bed pretending to be very tired. Two years ago I was doing basically the same, but the only difference then was that I was sleeping in his arms, or more like, he was in mine. It had been an unusual night, but I would have never thought he would be gone the next morning...never. No one could ever understand how I feel. I know how life goes on, but it's challenging when you live in a house full of memories. Memories that would be forever stuck in my heart.

"Mum!" Celine got into the room jumping on my bed making me groan.

"Mum's sleepiiiiing" I sang a melody.

"Mum, you can't. We're having a party! A flamboyant party!" She said as she continued jumping faster.

"What?" I thought I was still half asleep. I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. "A party? Where?" I asked her.

"Here, mum" She sat down on her knees resting her jaw on her hands as she looked at me.

"Who's throwing a party? What are you talking about, sweetie?" I got up from bed to get my robe.

"The balloons are here already. Look!" She took my hand, and guided me to the window. There were two sets of balloons of different pink shades in our garden.

"...this. This must be a mistake or something; we didn't order none of these balloons, baby" I said confused. "But, and adult had to sign for that, did someone just drop them here?"

"Uncle Roger did"

"Oh, wait, uncle Roger did?! Is Roger here?" It was too much to process when I had barely woken up.

"Yes, mum. He is here. He's having breakfast downstairs" She said so naturally. She's too innocent to know that is not a normal thing to happen.

"That makes sense" I put my robe on as I made my way downstairs. "Would you explain, Roger?" I asked as I caught him drinking milk from the carton.

"Good morning. Explain what?" He turned to me to face me with milk in the edges of his mouth.

"What is that all about? The balloons" I asked as I a wiped his mouth with a paper towel.

"What? You didn't want all of them to be pink? You should call the guy who brought them" He said drinking from the milk again.

"Why did you bring me balloons?!" I asked taking the milk from his hand.

"You did" He didn't keep his sight off the milk.

"I didn't!"

"Then Brian or John did" He shrugged. "I'm going to take a quick shower, and then I'll call Debbie to tell her to go pick up the cake. You should hurry up, and get ready too. You're still in pajamas which are see-through; I can see your nipples from here" He said as he walked upstairs.

"Huh?!" I covered my chest with my robe "Ready for what? Do you even know what day is today?"

"Freddie's death anniversary" He said

"Exactly! Why are you throwing a party?!"

"It was your idea!"



"You sent invitations!" He exclaimed.

"I- I- don't know what to say" I said simply. I really didn't. The day was going too weird; I didn't even bother.

"Are you still asleep? How could you forget? It's very sweet though. This is what Freddie would have wanted. I can picture him saying 'Don't be sad darling, just throw a big flamboyant party in my honor'" He mimicked his voice too damn perfect.

"Flamboyant...that's what Celine said..."

"Aha" He nodded "I'll get ready. Go get prettier. Imagine Freddie is attending" He smiled before running upstairs.

He is attending. He planned his own party.


"Okay, so this was really random, so I had to cancel a few things to come here" Said John as he drank from his glass of Champaign.

It was. The house was surrounded with pink extravagant balloons everywhere, Brian and Anita brought Indian food...everything was perfect. It felt strange, but everyone seemed to enjoy it. Apparently "I" specified in my invitations that only family members were invited to this small party. The music was loud, the children didn't run around the house like when Freddie used to scold them, and everyone was drinking. That is what he would have loved.

"Indeed, dad, I cancelled my date. I couldn't miss this" Said John's oldest son.

"Lie, lie, Rob. You had no plans. I caught you reading a book" Joked John.

"Dad" He blushed.

I felt bad for him, but laughed anyways. We all did. I remember hearing Freddie's laughter blending in with ours, but I don't know. It was probably an illusion this time.

"That was funny, but I think I'm drunk" Said Roger sloppily. "Anyway. Dear beautiful Rosie, would you mind bringing me another vodka shot, please?" He smiled as cute as can be.

"No, that's too much alcohol for one night. Deb, tell him" I looked over at her passed out on the floor. "Deb?" I shook her a little. "Mmmm"

"I've got her" Said Veronica as she helped her sit up on the couch.

"I'll bring a blanket. She must be cold" I said as I proceeded to go to my room, and bring some other clothes since I supposed she was spending the night over.

"Bring your fanciest bucket because I might puke" I heard Roger say.

"Make her stop...she will be pregnant soon"

I heard as I looked through my closet.

This wasn't new anymore. At this point I was so used to hearing him all the time, even the party was no surprise after all, but that thing he did is called predicting the future, and THAT scares me.

"Oh my god...are you sure?"

No reply

"Will it be a girl or boy?" I joked.

"She would be like your new baby girl. She will love you"

A girl...

A tear ran down my face. I was so happy the family was growing, I knew Veronica was having another boy soon this year, but having another baby girl in the family reminded me of when we adopted Celine. Girls seem to love me, and get closer to me. I feel that with Brian's girls, and Celine obviously.

"Thanks for letting me know. I wish...I wish...I could kiss you..." I mumbled not really wanting him to hear me; I knew he couldn't kiss me.

I felt a cold air behind me; I closed my eyes. I swear I could feel him, and I'm not lying when I'm saying I felt his lips touch mine.

"I love you" I whispered smiling.

I quickly grabbed Celine's clothes from when she was younger, and ran back to the living room.

For now, this is the closest to a sister I will giving her. Finally, I can be sure there is no need for me to say "I wish he was here to see this" anymore because I know he will always be... until the day we're together again. 


Hii lovelies. I've been reading your comments, and I'm glad to see you really like these book series, so that is why I'm here posting more often. It's past 2 am now, but I felt the need to update before going to bed, so here it is! 

Goodnight xo

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