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December 23, 1993.

Later that night after aunt Anna and Roger left. I decided to keep examining every item I had found earlier under Freddie's bed. Celine went to bed earlier, so I had plenty of time. I was 100% sure I'd keep finding interesting things. I opened one of the other boxes. It wasn't taped or anything; Freddie didn't have any secrets. The box was heavy. I put my hand inside it to realize it had many things, but three big candles were half of the weight. They were red candles; I had forgotten we ever used them. Freddie called them "The passionate candles"

Their fragrance is hard to describe. They're sweet, they're breath-taking, and they remind me of the taste of his lips. In fact, that's the only thing I miss, but can't have anymore. The taste remains in my memory, but I can't taste it again. Hopefully the candles would make it easier to remember.

I walked over to one of my drawers, and grabbed a tiny box of matches I kept in there. I turned off the lights, and knelt on the floor again as I lighted each candle. Fresh. A sweet mix of red fruits, and vanilla.

Just like the first time we lit them.

We were sitting by the edge of the pool late at night. I had my feet inside the pool as he sat behind me wrapping his arms around me. He covered our bodies with a thin blanket. He buried his face on my neck, and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He trailed with little kisses from my ear to my neck; it made me shiver, and let out a light sigh. He held me tighter, and began caressing my hand before intertwining my fingers with his.

"You're so pale under the dark, darling. I love it" He said quietly as he held my hand up. "Look, it matches with the moon" He held it higher making it look closer to the moon.

I let out a small giggle, and said nothing. He'd always know what I was thinking or feeling.

"Aren't you cold, dear?" He asked tilting his head down to catch my eyes.

"Not at all" I replied as I kept playing with my feet on the cold water.

"I love the way you smell" He said burying his face on my hair this time.

"Could it be my shampoo possibly?" I teased.

"I don't think so. It's you" I couldn't see his face, but I felt him smiling on my hair. "You are passion, my dear"

"Am I?"

"Yes. Your fragrance reminds me of my passionate candles"

"Do you have candles? Where?" I asked feeling curious.

"I'll show you"

He stood up quickly, went inside the house, and came back with a little white box in his hands. He opened it, and took the three candles out. He used the lighter he had brought, and lit them as he placed two and one on each side of us. He positioned himself back to how he was, and stayed in silence for a brief moment. Soon the atmosphere was filled with the essence of the candles. He sighed louder as he held me tight; he made me feel safe and secure in his arms as always.

"They smell delicious" I said quietly.

"Aha. That's kind of how you smell all the time"

"Are you sure?" I still believed he was joking to make me feel special.


"Why are they passionate candles?"

"That's how I call them because, don't they smell like passion to you?"

"I suppose" I nodded.

"And that's why you are passion too, dear"

"Not me..." I looked down feeling shy.

"Yes, you are. Why don't you believe it?"

"I'm not like that...I can't..." I admitted.

"You let me see your naked soul. That is passion"


"Alright, and so is this" He said before taking my chin gently, and turning my face to his, as he slowly pulled me for a slow deep kiss as he ran his hands down my body trailing from my arms to my legs. The sensation was wonderful. I shivered wanting more. I smiled breaking the kiss.

"You were saying?" He teased resting his forehead on mine.

"I am passionate yes, so then you are erotic" I said.

He burst out laughing as he held me tighter without giving my lips a break that night.

It takes me back to that night. The essence remains fresh. As if it had happened yesterday. I will keep these candles near my bed. I hope I'll lit one every night, and dream about you. My one and only passionate lover.

Ghost Love (A Healing Love sequel)Where stories live. Discover now