The Most Beautiful Rose

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December 23, 1993.

"Rosie! My legs are getting cold! Hurry up!" Yelled Roger from the bathroom.

"I'm doing it as soon as I can, okay?" I yelled back, and then giggled a lot in a low voice so he wouldn't hear.

"You cannot tell anyone about this!"

Of course I would.

Just like yesterday, aunt Anna came to visit, so Roger volunteered to help me clean the house. Roger drank a lot of iced tea because he said he was hot outside. It wasn't. He just wasn't used to the hard work of cleaning a big house.

"Is it my fault you drank about eight cups of iced tea?" I kept giggling.

Roger wasn't able to make it to the bathroom, so he peed all over himself on his way. He was so embarrassed even though it was just me who noticed. Aunt Anna was distracted eating the dessert Roger and I made for her. Roger hid in my bedroom's bathroom while I was trying to find him another pair of pants he could wear. I didn't own men's clothes except for Freddie's, but I would NEVER EVER let anyone wear his clothes. No exceptions.

"Come on! You gotta find something!" He yelled.

"I'm trying! I've got to find some pants you can wear!" I said looking through my closet.

"Try Freddie's old suitcases!"

"What suitcases?" I frowned.

"When we were in our early touring days, they used to give us clothes from companies. Freddie didn't like them, and never wore them. He kept them under his bed. Please find me something to wear there!"



"I said Okaaay!" I yelled.

Freddie and I rarely looked through his stuff under the bed. He said he kept there most of the stuff he didn't know what to do with, but was too lazy to throw away. I knelt down to take a look. Wow. Three dusty suitcases, two boxes, and four photo albums. I've got a lot of work to do. I didn't want to throw away none of that, but I was curious to see what was in there.

"Did you find me anything?!"

"I'm on it!"

I opened the first suitcase. The small one. There was a gray pair of pants that would fit Roger. They had PEPSI printed on one leg. I put them aside. I couldn't resist opening at least one of the boxes. I ended up doing it. Old music records he never liked, -probably gifts from friends-, photos from when he was a kid, old doodles he made, and some letters.

I found something that made me fly upon a flashback: the first rose he gave me. I remembered how I fell in love with him slowly, and I was afraid he didn't feel the same for me. To my luck, he did.

We were in the middle of our long mid-night talks. We loved to talk about us, and we loved to make each other feel special.

We were laying on the grass in the backyard. The night was cold, and we stared at the beautiful stars. He said I was ten million times more beautiful than each one of them.

"And that's exactly how you shine to me, dear. Like the stars" He said holding my hand.

"They're too shiny" I smiled.

"Exactly..." He held my hand tighter.

"No way" I felt myself blush.

"Yes, you are" He looked at me smiling. "And if that's not enough, you're the most beautiful rose on earth, darling. It's true"

"Oh Freddie..."

Freddie was the kind of person who would leave you out of words any time.

"Wait here, I'll prove it" He stood up, and went inside the house quickly. He came back with a dried rose on his hands. He carried it with both of his hands so he wouldn't break it.

"What is this?" I asked as he placed it on my hands.

"I've kept this for many years. I wanted to have it forever because it was the most beautiful rose I had ever seen. It was until I met you..."


"Stole her place, yes" He smiled. "I want you to have it. I want it to remind you how I want to do the same with you: I want to have you forever with me"

"This means a lot to me; I don't know what to say..." I said quietly.

"You could say thank you" He joked before kissing my lips softly.

"Thank you" I smiled. "I feel very special now"

"You've always been" He said as he held my hand again.

I squeezed his hand as I looked up at him amazed.

"Where should we keep this rose now?"

"In a book"

"Can I borrow one of your books?" I giggled.

"Of course!" He laughed quietly. "You own my whole life already"

That's the most beautiful gift I could, sharing your life with me. Even if it was just a couple of years. They were worth it. Everything was complete in my life while I had you. I couldn't ever ask for more.

"Why are you taking so long?! Rose?! You still there?"

"I'm on it!"

"I could always go out like this! I wouldn't be here all day!"

"Okay! Go out naked. Good luck Roggie!"

"I can't! Your hot auntie can't see me like this. Are you sick?"

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes.

I smiled to myself as I put the rose back in the book. I placed the book on the bed. I'd have time to keep remembering things later.

I stood up, and walked to the bathroom door waiting for Roger to come out.

"I've got you" I knocked on the door. "Here. Your pants"

He opened the door, and hid his lower body behind it as he took the pants from my hand quickly.

"It's about time!" He glared at me.

"You're welcome, Roggie" I giggled as he shut the door.

I knelt by the boxes of memories again, and thought of how many things I have to remember him. We might have not spent the lifetime we planned together, but I'm surrounded by our memories.

"Rose?! I can't wear these ridiculous pants!" He yelled.

Not my problem anymore. 


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