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Edited: 06/06/24

Reuploaded: 06/06/24

° ❄️ °

L/n clan names Old --> New

Xavier --> Kousei (there aren't any X names, but I've been advised to switch X with K)

Zachariah --> Zensei

Hira Clan names Old --> New

Demetrius --> Daisetsu

Jerimiah --> Junichi


"So let me get this straight," I looked to Daisetsu, "you betrayed... Kousei and Zensei, was it? Just to what?"

"The shadow jutsu, or Hira clan jutsu, helped our clan regain status and strength," Daisetsu replied, "it helped us survive. Unlike what you're used to, we didn't have giant villages and communities back then to support each of us. We only had our family and our family only had us. Plus, if you were lucky enough to create a family alliance, then you had that extra group to help you. It was a hard time, wars breaking out here and there, but they ended just as quick as they started because families were young and small, so they were easy to kill off if you just had that extra adult to fight."

I frowned before sighing.

"What happened next? You said that that night would be one of tragedy, right? So what happens next?" I asked, moving myself slightly to try and get comfortable again.

"Intrigued, I see," he smiled as he slid a cup of water into my cell.

"Incredibly," I nodded, grabbing the cup and taking a drink, "please. Continue."

646 years ago_

3rd Person PoV

"Well, Kousei, what do we do now?" Zensei asked as the siblings found themselves trapped in front of a wall. A dead end in the alleyways.

"We either fight, or get over the wall," Kousei looked back and then up, "I don't want to start a war, so I don't want to fight."

"You're too soft," Zensei gave his older brother a sad look, "sometimes you have to fight to survive."

Kousei looked at his brother for a few moments before going to one knee and patting the one propped up.

"Come on, get over the wall," he told him, Zensei stood for a moment before sighing and stepping up on Kousei's knee, placing his hand on his shoulder before pushing himself up and grabbing the ledge, pulling himself to the top and getting a safe crouching position before looking down to his brother who was glaring down the alley.

"Your turn," Zensei caught his brothers attention and stretched his hand out for Kousei to grab.

"No," Kousei shook his head as light flooded the area, "there's no time. You're right, to survive you sometimes need to fight. I'll fight, you get out of here."

"No," Zensei dropped down next to his brother, "we fight together. No one gets left behind."

Kousei smiled and nodded before they both got into a fighting stance and looked forward, the light got brighter and brighter, shadows of people obstructed it until the forms appeared.

"Kousei. Zensei," Daisetsu's voice spoke up, "why did you have to follow me? You've just signed your death sentence. Congratulations."

"You played us this whole time!" Zensei proclaimed.

"You were so easy to use," Daisetsu confessed, "but don't think I did it for nothing. I really do like you guys, however, I need to protect my family and this... What you've taught me... Its saved them all, its protected them!"

"You went behind our backs and did what we told you not to, we cannot trust—" Zensei started but Kousei shushed him by placing a hand on his chest and shaking his head.

"Daisetsu, there was a reason why we said not for you to teach anyone else. Do you remember the drawings on my door?" Kousei asked, "the snowflake and the dark skull?"

Daisetsu looked confused before nodding.

"We, myself and Z, were trying to make that not happen. It's a clan war, Daisetsu. A clan war between two clans, one that controls the cold and one that controls the shadows," Kousei told him, "we wanted to teach you how to control yours to stop you from doing something stupid, but we didn't want you to teach others because it could trigger the war. But now... Now you've done it, there's no turning back and you've lost our trust."

Daisetsu looked dumbfounded as he stared at the siblings before him.

"The war can be triggered or forgotten," Zensei spoke up, "it's up to what you do. If you choose to act, then you trigger it. If you don't, then we'll keep the peace."

"Daisetsu, this decision isn't up to you, it's up to me as the leader of the clan. As the leader, I say they're both to be killed," Daisetsu's Father, Junichi, spoke up, pushing his son behind him, "you will both be killed."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Zensei spoke up, "my older brother is the leader of the l/n clan, we have double the numbers you have, maybe even triple. Kill him and you will start a war. I'll make sure of it."

"What, your life for his?" Junichi asked, "it doesn't work that way. Drag them to the square, we'll show everyone what trespassers deserve."

"Zensei, fight," Kousei ordered before slamming his foot on the floor and freezing the four men that were heading towards them to the spot before running forward, placing his hands on their shoulders and pushing himself up, grabbing the edge of the roof closest to him and pulling himself up, Zensei was close behind him. Kousei grabbed his brothers hand and pulled him up before pushing him ahead of him.

"They have the advantage because it's evening," Kousei shouted to Zensei as they ran, "so watch all around you. A single light can become your greatest enemy in a clan that uses the shadows, even your own."

Zensei nodded and ducked as a whip of shadows came zipping to him, Kousei jumped over it and then jumped to the next roof. He turned and threw his hands out, freezing a large shadow like a wave and then punching it, making it crumble and shatter to the floor.

They froze shadow after shadow, avoiding any that were too small to stop and jumping across the rooves until the exit of the clan came into sight.

"Look, just a bit further!" Zensei shouted back to his brother, Kousei nodded.

"They can't hurt us when we get into the forest," Kousei shouted, "there we have nature's protection."

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