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The plan is simple. Thomas and Gally will go into the city, get Teresa, and we'll bring her back here to help us. It sounded a lot more sensible the first time we went over it, now it just sounds half-formed and mainly based on the hope that Teresa will actually follow Thomas into a building where Gally can grab her.

"Ok," Gally says eventually, "Thomas let's go."

"Yeah," he follows Gally to the grate, slipping his legs over the edge, "let's get this over with."

It only takes an hour before they're back, dragging Teresa behind them. Gally dumps her on a chair, and Newt walks around behind her, snatching the bag off her head. 

"Gally?" she asks, staring at him.

"Here's how this is gonna go," he leans against the table next to Thomas, "we're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know."

Teresa looks around, then meets Thomas's eyes.

"We'll start off simple," Gally drags a chair over and sits in front of here, "where's Minho?"

"You guys don't seriously think-" She's looking at Thomas again.

"Don't look at him," Gally interrupts, "why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you."

She looks at Thomas again, but he suddenly finds his hands one of the most interesting things in the room.

"We know you have Minho in the building," Gally continues, "where?"

"He's with the others in holding," Teresa says, "sub-level three."

"How many others?" Newt asks, and Teresa sighs.

"Twenty-eight," she answers, and we all look at Brenda.

"I can make that work," she says, placing a card on the table in front of her.

"No," Teresa argues, "you guys don't understand. The whole level is restricted, you can't get in without a thumb print ID."

"That's why you're coming with us," Thomas says, and Gally shrugs.

"I don't know," he says, still looking at Teresa, "we don't necessarily need her, right?" he gets up, grabbing a scalpel off a medical tray. "Not all of her," he continues, "we just need her finger."

"Gally back off." Thomas says.

"What, are you squeamish?" he asks, "I guarantee you she's done a lot worse to Minho."

I remember the artificially induced variables. Oh yes, she's done worse to Minho. 

"That's not the plan," Thomas takes the scalpel from Gally, "back off."

"It won't make a difference," Teresa says. "Do whatever you want to me, you still won't get through the front door. Sensors will pick you up-"

"We know," Thomas stops her, "we're tagged." He kneels on the ground beside her. "You can help us with that too." He holds up the scalpel, and she looks at him, then sighs. Really, she doesn't have a choice.

"(Y/N)," Teresa calls from the medical trolley, "come over here."

I get up from the floor, winking at Gally, who's holding a rag to the back of his neck.

"She enjoyed that," he says, throwing the rag down, and I snort.

"This is gonna sting, just try to relax," Teresa tells me, brushing my hair out of the way.

"Just bloody do it," I bend my head, waiting for the prick of the knife. I wince as she makes the first cut, then I feel something being pulled out of my neck. "Shuck," I mutter as she pulls stitches through my skin, pressing a rag on the wound.

"You're good to go," she says, and I get up. "(Y/N), wait," she catches my arm, and I turn.

"What now?"

"Newt," she says, glancing at him across the room. He's throwing old guard uniforms at Gally and Frypan, and coming towards us. "When did he get infected?"

"How do you know he's infected?" I counter, pulling away.

"(Y/N), I've been studying this disease for almost nine months now, and before the Maze too. I know the signs and symptoms."

"About three days," I mutter.

"You know you'll have to get him the serum in the next one or two, right?"

"I know, and I bloody will. If it's the last thing I do." I scowl and turn away, accepting the uniform Newt hands me.

In one corner, Brenda and Jorge are saying their goodbyes. Brenda wanted to help us, but Jorge said he needed to go, so that's what they're doing. It's Thomas's turn to get his tag removed, and while the actual procedure is quick, Teresa seems to be taking a long time.

Suddenly, Thomas stands up, facing her.

"Everything ok over here?" Gally asks, coming up behind them, and Thomas nods.

"Yeah," he says, "yeah we're done."

Surreptitiously, Teresa reaches for the table, but Gally grabs her wrist.

"Nice try," he says, pulling her away. I frown, something isn't right. As I watch, Teresa pockets a bloody rag.

"Come on," Newt says beside me, "we should get going."

"Yeah," I follow him over to a table of guns, strapping on a belt and cramming it with weapons.

"Got enough?" Frypan asks, eyeing my waist with concern.

"No," I shove another one in my back pocket, "now I do."

"Glad to see you haven't changed," Gally grabs his own guns.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I pat my belt, making sure I have enough.

"Nothing," he says, "let's get a move on."

WICKED games 3 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now