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The city is huge. Bright lights light up every building and WICKED vehicles patrol the streets, wanted notices are displayed on almost every wall.

"Bloody hell, (Y/N), stop staring," Newt mutters beside me, and I jerk my eyes away from a glowing sign.

"Sorry," I say, and keep walking. In front of us, the entrance to WICKED's building glows bright white, a glass door standing half open.

"Come on," Newt says to Teresa, and she glances at him, walking through a sensor. We follow, and I hold my breath, half expecting an alarm to go off. It doesn't. Another guard stops in front of us, and we wait. It's impossible to tell which ones are us and which ones are legitimate WICKED guards. The guard jerks his head towards a stairway, and we follow him down it. 

The level below is a carpark, with glass walls leading into our passageway. Outside, another guard walks beside us, cutting ahead through a doorway. It has to be Gally. We come to a door, and Teresa presses her thumb to the lock, opening. We follow her through, guns raised.

"Hold on," Gally stops at a fuse box, lifting his visor. "I can get in here."

Thomas raises his own visor, and Newt and I do the same. Newt doubles over the railing, coughing madly. He's not looking so great, dark smudges under his eyes and a sheen of sweat over his pale face.

"You ok?" I ask, gun pointed at the doorway.

"Yeah," he coughs, "fine."

Below, Teresa stares up at him and he turns away.

"Frypan," Thomas holds the walky-talky to his face, "we're in, how're you doing?"

"Yeah," Frypan's voice crackles, "yeah I'm getting there. Tell Minho "hi" for me."

"Hang in there, buddy," Thomas replies.

Gally jerks open the fuse box, revealing a tangle of wires. "This'll work," he says, fiddling around with them.

"Brenda," Thomas says, "what's your status?"

"Status is," she replies, "working on it."

"Copy, just make sure you're ready on your end."

"Don't worry," she says, "you know I'm gonna be there."

"Alright, let's go!" Gally slams a small device onto the inside of the door, hooking wires into the box.

We run down the stairs, which is difficult for me because the WICKED uniform is too big. I almost fall over several times, and I thank whoever put the railings on the stairs. We come a door eventually, but just as Gally's about to shoot it, it beeps open and a guard stands there. Gally shoots him instead.

We move forward, blasting the guards and controllers until nobody is left standing. Newt runs to a door in the wall, jerking it open to reveal a bunch of kids in WICKED clothing.

"Come on," he says, "let's go." Nobody follows him, so he whips of his helmet, his blonde hair spilling out over his face. "Let's go!" he smiles at them and they follow this time. Honestly, I would too if he looked at me like that; bright and hopeful and encouraging.

I kick open a door, pulling off my own helmet and grinning at the kids. "Come with us, you're ok," I say to them, "we're here to get you out."

Thomas is doing the same, and soon the room if filled with confused-looking kids. Teresa stands at the computers, also looking slightly confused.

"This might take some time," Gally says from the other side of the room, dropping his bag at his feet and turning to a door.

"Shit," Thomas goes from room to empty room, but Minho isn't here. He walks across to Teresa, standing in front of her. "Where is he?" he asks, and she looks around.

Going over to the one of the computers, she clicks through files until Minho's face appears. "Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing," she says, frowning, "Thomas, that's on the other side of the building."

"Then let's get moving!" I almost shout, pulling my helmet back on.

"Take me to him," Thomas says to Teresa, and Newt walks over, grabbing his gun and helmet.

"Alright, then I'm coming with you," he says.

"No, Newt you're gonna stay here with Gally, and we're getting you the serum." I tell him.

"You two can't do this on your own," he looks between us, "and Minho comes first, remember?"

"Just go!" Gally shouts from the door, "We're wasting time. I'll get the serum, we'll meet you outside."

"Ok, fine," Thomas grabs Teresa, "let's go."

"Hey Greenie," Gally calls, "good luck."

WICKED games 3 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now