Chapter One

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Roman and Patton rushed to pick up their bags in the drop off, only to find Remus and Damian with them.

"What's the rush?" Remus wore a slight smirk as he saw his brother again.

"We are going to be late for check in!" Patton quickly grabbed his bag, which was next to Damian, and quickly went to hail a taxi.

Roman, Damian, and Remus followed him, the same speed. They would take the taxi to Nostahlgya and run the rest of the way. The driver didn't know the streets there to well.

Logan has started to read his favorite book, Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four, continuing to walk. He had memorized this path from having to walk it so many times. He would stop reading when the path got unfamiliar.

Virgil had begun to watch TV as he waited for guests to arrive. It was a long process, about 15 minutes, before people started to enter the large house.

The four boys hopped out of the cab, Roman, Remus, and Damian taking all the luggage and running down the streets of Nostahlgya. Patton, who was slower than the rest, fell behind a few paces.

Logan read on as three unfamiliar figures ran down the street. One, a smaller male, bumping into him slightly.

"I'm so sorry!" He held his arms out slightly before continuing to run after the three ahead of him. He had deep blue wings.

Logan saw this as odd, but continued on his way, not noticing his own, now baby blue wings.

Virgil ran to the door to greet his last few guests, Mr. & Mrs. Holmes, and a few minutes afterwards, Logan Holmes. He wanted to greet him as soon as possible.

"Logan!?" Virgil noticed his wings were not blank anymore and it was surprising. He had white ones yesterday and now they weren't!

"Virgil? What is all that yelling abo- Logan! I am so happy for you!" Mrs. Holmes came over at Virgil's yelling, immediately feeling proud of her son. He found his soulmate!

"Why are you both acting so weird? Is it my- When did this happen? It must have been when that man ran into me on the way here..." Logan had looked at his wings for the second time today, the first being that morning.

"I'll help you find him tomorrow. We won't let you go without for too long!" Virgil wrapped his arms around his childhood friend, bringing him into the dining room to eat.

On the other side of town, at the Mehmorees Motel, the three taller males were already checked into their rooms. Patton had just got his room key, opening it to see a happy Roman.

"I thought I might have to gooooooooo-" Roman stopped as he saw tired Patton's wings. They were colorful. A nice blue no less.

"You couldn't have waited for me?!- Why are you staring at me funny?" He tilted his head slightly, closing the door to take a seat across from Roman.

"Your wings...." He pointed slightly, a shocked expression finding it's way to his face. Like he was finally processing the situation before him.

Patton's eyes widened as he moved them to get a good look. Once he saw the deep sea blue he squealed with happiness, "I told you! I TOLD YOU IT WOULD HAPPEN!!!"

Roman chuckled at his reaction. He was happy for him. A nagging feeling in his stomach, "I promise I'll help you find him. You probably ran into every single person you came across."

Patton blushed slightly, "I only bumped into one person, actually. I kinda know what he looks like. And I remember where it happened-"

Remus and Damian were just chilling. They weren't too worried about the squeal from the room next door. From what Roman had told them, Patton was one to fanboy.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day for each of them. Everyone except for maybe Remus and Damian, but that's only because they are lazy as fuck when it comes to actually doing shit.

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