Chapter Seventeen

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It had been officially two months since the incident. Patton had turned in the evidence against Mr. Charles Bondevike five weeks ago. Turns out, Mr. Bondevike had a lot more on his hands than just attempted murder.

He was charged and found guilty with child abuse, attempted murder, felony murder, two accounts of first degree murder, domestic abuse, four accounts of statutory rape, and drug trafficking/distribution. Patton, who had no idea at the time, took down one of the most powerful drug cartels in the country. He was more than proud about it when he got his Outstanding Citizen award plaque.

Roman, who had learned a lot of sign last month and was able to order just about anything now, with no problems. Especially his drink. He even memorized Deb's order because he was theater kid, and why not.

He didn't need it now, as his ears had healed and he could hear people talking, but he still made it a point to learn asl. It was a need for him for a while, so he wanted to communicate with others who couldn't hear ever.

Everything seemed right with the world.

Virgil now lived with his Aunt Katie, as per his mother's request, and he was loving every bit of it. His school, upon hearing his father was in jail, expelled him. Which means he would be able to go with Roman and Patton back to Chicago, if he so chose. Logan, who was seeking an accelerated course of study, found a better program that was near Chicago, so he would be transferring as well.

Patton was with Roman and Apollo, headed for Virgil's new place. He just got him checked out of the hospital three weeks ago, and he just needed Virgil and him to make up. He saw just how sad Roman was without him, and how miserable Virgil was- He just needed them together. They needed to be together.

They didn't see each other, as Roman was put into a safe house until Mr. Bondevike was convicted.

Both Virgil and Roman's wings were nearing the end of a healing cycle, so they were bracing for the pain that would be them breaking all over again.

I have a feeling your wings are going to heal today, Roman. Patton signed to him with a small smile.

How do you know? He smirked slightly, knowing what he was going to say.

My gut tells me so. They finally reached the house, and Patton was the first one to walk inside. Logan sat at the kitchen island, which was clearly visible from the door, and Virgil was digging through the fridge. Roman hadn't noticed Virgil yet.

"Hello, Microsoft Nerd!" He spoke to Logan, a little loudly, but not too loud.

Virgil jolted at the sound of Roman's voice, running over to him and holding him in a vice-like grip. Tears streamed down his face, as his arms now stung from how tight he was hugging him and from how happy he was to see him.


"I am so sorry for leaving you there, but my father did this to you and I couldn't have you die on me-" He pulled away from him to speak, not knowing Roman could hear.

"It's okay, Love... I'm fine now. I can even hear you."

"You can hear me...?" Roman giggled softly and nodded, "Well then- I love you so muuuch and I never want to be apart again!!"

Logan and Patton, who sat observing the scene, smiled softly.

"Do you have the ear plugs, Lo?"

"Of course. I always plan for these sorts of things." Logan kissed Patton's temple gently.

"Okay good, cause I can tell you, I do not want to hear that later." Patton shuddered at the mere thought of it.

"Neither do I..."

Patton shrugged and got out some pretzels to eat.


Emile and Roman made their way to the Starbucks once again to get some drinks to celebrate the two lovebirds getting back together.

"-ck into my mom's car! She was so pissed!" Emile laughed at this, leaning up against the counter slightly.

"Welcome back you two! My friend is finally in for his shift and he has been dying to use sign for a while- I'll let him serve you." Sarah, the nice barista, went to go fetch her coworker.

"Alright!" Roman was excited to use his theater knowledge. Emile scrolled through Pinterest, looking at cute 50's dresses.

"Hi, my name is Remy. What can I get started for you two-" He paused when he saw Emile and his now caramel colored wings, "Handsome cuties."

Emile looked up from his phone to retort when he saw Remy and his bubblegum pink wings. He blushed a light pink and smiled softly.

Roman nodded to Remy, who got ready to take down his order. I'll have a mocha caramel latte-chino, made with skim milk- no whipped cream. Please put that in a grande cup, but use the same amount of coffee that you put into a tall. That way there's just about an inch of extra room on top to stir in my own nutmeg without spilling any coffee at all.

"And for you?"

"I'll have a grande vanilla bean frappe..."

"Alright. I'll have that ready for you in a tick."

Once the drinks were done, Remy took his lunch break to sit and chat with Emile and Roman.

"I was not expecting to meet you today, Emile. I was honestly starting to think I'd never meet you."

"I, unfortunately, had the surprise ruined. My friend, Patton, is literally a psychic."

"I'm excited to meet him. Not as excited as I am to get to know you though, Em." He held his hand and ran a finger over the back of it with a soft smile.

"Gag- Y'all are too sweet." Roman pretended to gag at the couple.

"As if. You know you and Virgil are all over each other." Emile was quick to retort, which made Roman shut up and drink his drink with a mumble of protest.


So, everything was well with the world.

Virgil and Roman were back together. Emile found his soulmate. Mr. Bondevike was behind bars. Nothing could go wrong.

But what happened with Remus and Damian? What will happen to all of them?

What does Chicago have in store for them?

They will just have to wait to find out. 

And so will you. Yes, you. I know you exist.

I am the Narrator, and you are the reader. Two very important jobs, if I do say so myself.

But there's only one job you have.

All you have to do is wait for Sunday.

Take These Broken Wings (Sander Sides)Where stories live. Discover now