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Time Jump!

July 14th 2013

Chris watched it from the corner of his eye is she read her newest novel. The kids were playing the carpet with some blocks that Robert had given them. Scarlett was busy reading that she didn't see his constant gazes. 

Their relationship had been everything but completely happy lately. They have both seemingly been on edge, particularly Chris. Something had been on his mind and he didn't know how to say it.

"You're thinking too loud" scarlett muttered. "What's going on?"

"Nothing it's just um well umm Scarlett, Are you happy?" He asked.

"Happy?" She raises an eyebrow. "Please do explain. I am happy with my kids. With you."

"It's just I mean I know your happy with us, but like are you happy with your career?"

" my career? I guess so. I'm very lucky." She smiled. "The opportunities it's given me are endless and I have an amazing family that I wouldn't have gotten if it weren't for this career." She looked deeply at her husband. "Are you?"

"I don't know." He admitted. "It's just not the same anymore. Constantly being away from you, the kids, it's hard and I feel like I'm missing out on some important stuff."

"Is this about me taking them to the zoo last week? I'm sorry they were just really excited and-"

"No it's not that. Well it is but... it's just I don't wanna miss out on anything else. They are only gonna be young for so long."

"Chris, if you aren't happy than stop. You don't have to do this. We will be able to get through without you working." She smiled.

"I can't. Marvel has me contracted for the next movie." He sighed. "Which starts soon. I knew that when I sighed the contract but you just never know how much life is going to change."

"So do the movie. And then move on. Chris no one expects you to keep going on when it clearly isn't the same anymore."

"I love acting, don't get me wrong. But I miss doing other things. I miss being with my family. I miss having options."

"I know. I understand and I don't want you to feel trapped. I want you to be happy and if being happy means to stop doing movies, well than so be it. I know we can't get away from marvel, and-"

"I like the movies it just a lot of work" he sighed.

"Chris. How about we talk to different people and get their opinions." She suggested. "I know we both have to be on set next week so while we are we start making a plan" she smiled.

"Thank you for being so understanding"

"Is that why you have been acting weird?" She asked. "You know you can talk to me right?"

"I know I was just nervous. I didn't know it would be in the cards." He said. "I love you scarlett."

"I love you Chris." She smiled. " we'll figure it out together I promise."

"Thanks. Come on let's get these little monsters some dinner." He said to the one year old throwing foam blocks at each other.

"You're children are maniacs."

"My children?!" He gasped.

"Yes your children. Now go start dinner Evans."

"Whatever you say Mrs.Evans."

Do you think this simple compromise could turn into something? Am I foreshadowing something in my latest post of this story? 🤔 only time will tell.
Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, my phone broke and then I lost my computer charger it was just a long two weeks! Alls good now. See you soon!

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