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October - the next day 

"Melinda Drew Evans."  Scarlett started as her child ran around the house throwing her clothes in every direction. "You put the dress on right this instant" 

"NO!" She yelled continuing to run around some more. Scarlett was about to pull her hair out of her head, it has been an hour. Her son Dylan was sitting patiently dressed in his outfit watching his sister have a tantrum. Drew seemed to be experiencing the terrible two very early on. And with her vocabulary improving it was surly becoming quite the adventure. 

"Why don't you wanna get dressed?" Scarlett held up the nice dress she had picked out. "Look at how pretty it is." 

"I wanna daddy!" She yelled pulling the dress out of Scarlett's hands. Scarlett could only groan as her two years old ran away. Who's idea was it to teach toddlers how to walk? She blamed Hunter. 

"Momma," Dylan mumbled, reaching his arms out for his mother to pick him up. Dylan was a mommas boy, Drew was a Daddy's girl, which was really difficult considering Chris was who knows where. 

"Okay okay," She sighed picking him up. Dylan wasn' t really a talkative kid, he really only calls for his mother.  "Are you hungry? I am guessing your sister will once again cry in her room until I make some food," She was talking to a baby, is that all she had now to tell her problems to? She loved her babies but it was really hard being basically a single parent. 

She didn't even know where she and Chris stood anymore. She didn't know if and if so when he was coming home. Gosh, she was even really sure why he disappeared after giving her crap about spending more time with the kids. She has spent every waking day with her babies, she has had more throw up on her then anyone can bother counting. So no one can say she doesn't spend time with them. 

But she had to admit, she dearly missed her husband. Of course, she did, he was her rock and she needed him. 

She set Dylan down on the small little table big enough for him and his sister, with a small plate of bananas and then went to go find her daughter. She knew Dylan would just sit there eating, and she knew she couldn't leave Drew alone too long. This is when she really needed Chris. 

"Drew, come on baby, want something to eat?" She offered to open the nursery door. Drew was laid out on the floor wrapped in her baby blanket. "Come on baby lets go get some food." 

"No. I want Daddy," She mumbled.

 "I know you do love but Daddy isn't here right now." 

"Now it isn't nice to lie to our baby girl." Someone else's voice rang out in the room startling Scarlett, Drew jumped up from her spot on the ground with a smile on her face. 

"DADDY!" She smiled and jumped into his arms. 

"Hi princess." He said kissing her cheek, causing Drew to laugh. "Hey, why don't you go have some bananas with your brother?" He said and she eagerly nodded her head and jumped out of Chris's arms. She ran over to a small table in search of some food. Scarlett still sat down on the floor looking at Chris as if he was a ghost. 

"Your back." She said flatly. 

"I tried calling you but your phone sent me to voicemail. I figured you were busy." 

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