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Chris was many things, stupid wasn't one of those things. Well not all the time at least... a good portion of the time, he liked to believe that he was indeed not stupid. Of course, there couldn't be an argument made that he was stupid all the time, perhaps his wife would be the one making it. 

But the reason he didn't think he was stupid was that he wasn't going to sit around and act like everything wasn't falling to hell. He was gonna go and fight for his girl, the love of his life, his best friend. He was going to show her that she still and will forever be much more important than anyone in this world, except his kids of course. They've been through way too much to be taken down by his selfish mistakes. 

He knew she was hurting, he still follows her on Instagram. He hated that she felt this way. He hated it even more that he was the reason for her pain. They were adults, they had three children, they really couldn't afford to be acting like children themselves, which is what Chris has unfortunately been doing, but that was all about to change. 

He bought all her favorites. Chocolate, Ice Cream, Smart Pop, a bunch of other stuff that she normally doesn't buy for herself but he knows she loves. He wasn't trying to by her love and forgiveness, however, he was trying to make her feel better and in some cases, food was the only thing that could do that. 

So after he acquired the food and flowers, he took off to their apartment. He knew Scott had taken the kids to his own New York Apartment so that Scarlett could have the weekend to think, which would make this the perfect time to go over. When he arrived his nerves started to break through and he wanted to turn away but before he could think about doing so the door flew open revealing Scarlett in an oversized hoodie, and her hair in a very messy bun. 

"What are you doing here Chris?" 

"Is it a crime for me to come see my wife?" He joked but Scarlett wasn't laughing. She only stared at him. "I'm sorry," he breathed. 

"Do you think a sorry is going to fix the situation we are in?" She asked. 

"No, but I think it's a good starting point. I'd like to talk to you." She looked as if she was debating her options. Like if she were to say yes, she had to think of the possible outcomes. "Please." He practically begged. 

"Fine. It's your house too, do what you want." not the best start. 

Chris didn't really know how to start the conversation as he unpacked all the food. Scarlett's eyes wandered around looking at the food, not daring to look at him. They were both skating on thin ice, dancing around the conversation that needed to be had. 

"How have you been?" A stupid question, okay maybe he was stupid more than half of the time. 

"Are we really gonna sit here and talk like our friends and haven't been fighting for the last few weeks?" He didn't know how to respond to her question so he stayed silent. "Okay fine. I am doing great. Just amazing, my husband is sleeping with another woman." 

"I am not sleeping with other women." He let out. 

"Oh really? Can you cleary, one hundred percent confidently, tell me what happened that night?" 

"No, but Lily said-" 

"I don't care what that woman said. I don't want you to speak her name around me. I don't want you to bring her up!" 

"We are starring in a movie together." 

"Is the movie more important than our relationship Chris? Is that what you're saying?" He was at a loss for words. "If you want our relationship to get any better than it is right now, you'll stay away from that woman." 

"Scarlett, I love you. Believe me when I say that you are the only girl out there for me. What do you want me to do to prove that to you? What do you want me to say? You want me to quit the movie? Fine done. I'll do it." 

"That doesn't change the fact that you can't tell me what happened that night! How do you expect me to fall asleep next to you, not knowing if you cheated on me!" 

"I can't give you those answers. I don't know them!" 

"That's the problem." She said lowly. "Chris I would rather know the truth than live in a world of denial." 

"What if I can't figure that out for you?" He asked he starred at her, his eyes begging her to take him back. They may have fought before London, but he loved her. She could move on if she wanted to but Chris was sure that he would never be able to move on. Especially because they'd still be in each other's lives. 

Scarlett couldn't look at him any longer, averting her gaze. She knew it wasn't a big deal, that he didn't do it on purpose. But he had gotten drunk, he did leave for London, he did leave her. He had made her doubt her own self-worth. 

She began questioning if she was even good enough for him. At the very mention of Lily's name, Chris perked up, what made her so special? He's willing to quit the movie, but he never said he'd stay away from Lily. What was so special about her that he was willing to risk their marriage for? Why wasn't she enough? 

"I think you should leave." 


"You need to figure out what you want, what you did and I can't even look at you right now." Chris nodded his head looking at his hands. He sighed and walked out the door, but before he left he looked over at her. 

"I love you, Scarlett." 

"And I love you." She said quietly, he heard her, and maybe that was enough to push him, push him into doing the right thing, getting real answers. 

Once she was sure he was gone, Scarlett fell down to the floor and let the tears fall. She cried out, letting all of the pain that was suppressed out. She tiredly reached for her phone. 

"Hey," She sighed. "Are you busy?" 


I wish I was a little girl again because skinned knees are 

easier to fix than a broken heart. 

Who do you think she called? 

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