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"Hey! (Y/n) let's go play outside!" A cheery young voice exclaimed. My view changed and I turned around to find a little boy. He looked kind of similar to me. "Alrigt, alright Andy. I'm coming." Hang on- I didn't want to say that? Why am I moving? "Let's go play by he river sis! Just don't fall!" 'Hang on... Andy.. Andrew? Great. This dream again.'

     End of Dream 

My dream was interrupted by that ridiculously annoying clock on my night stand. I groan forcing my eyes open with a  sigh, looking around my current surroundings. I find that I am in my room. My boring old room. I finally check the time and decide it's time to get ready 'What the actual hell was that? Better get this mess of a girl cleaned up' I think to myself silently as I drag myself up, getting out of bed.

Walking into the bathroom I turn to the mirror to look at my pathetic reflection. Sighing I turn on the sink and proceed to wash my face. After drying my face off I look back to the mirror once more. Moving my hair out of the way I see the disgusting scar that went across my left eye my right eye. (Sort of like kakashi's scar lol)

I was surprised I could still see out of that eye, though I never used it in the fear someone would see and call me a monster. I'm only eleven and I've already been through so much heartbreak. I'm alone in this world. My family is dead, I never made any friends, and after the incident I went on and lived alone in a cabin in the middle of the woods.

Finally exiting the bathroom I go in my room to look at my wall clock that sits just above my bed. '7:00, I had better get ready and go to school.' I think going to my closet and getting out some clothes. Before I left I grabbed an apple from the pantry and went out the door on to the long dirt road leading to the outside world.

"Hell here I come..." I thought to myself dreading school. I had arrived earlier then I expected so I started to walk to the old oak tree I sit under at lunch. "Hey! Let me go you heathens!" I hear a strange voice say. Walking toward the commotion I see a tall lanky brown haired boy trying to fight of my school bullies.

"Ugh them again... That's it I have had it with them picking on every poor soul that crosses their paths!" I think approaching the boys. "Haha! What are you gonna do you little brat?" The boy holding the strange new kid said. "I-If you don't let me go I'll- uh I'll..." The boy trails off at a loss for words. "You'll what? Beat me? Ha!"

"No. But I will." I say glaring at the bullies before me. "Put the kid down before I have to force you." I say with an intimidating voice. I may be short, but I am still one of the most terrifying people in the school when I'm mad. 'Oh yeah short stuff? You couldn't hurt a fly you're so weak!" The first boy yells. "Yeah! You probably can't even lift twenty pounds!" The second one says.

Slowly, I started walking toward the three boys, my patience had run dry and I was pissed! "I said, PUT. HIM. DOWN." I say getting angrier by the second. The second boy had picked up on the deadly look in my eye and started to get a little frightened. "H-hey Max, I think we should let the kid go." He whispers to his idiotic friend.

"Are you seriously getting scared by a little girl?" He taunts. "Ha! How stup-" Before the boy could finish his sentence I punched him, full force, in his jaw. He then dropped the boy he was holding hostage and moved his hands to his face, noticing his bleeding lip.

"Why you little-" I then punch him again, this time in the nose. Soon after, his nose started to bleed like crazy making me happy. This is what he gets for messing with innocent kids who were just trying to go about their day. Before anymore damage could be done, the boys then retreated to the school nurse in seek of medical assistance.

'Now for the new kid...' I say slowly turning to face the probably confused male. "Here, let me help you up." I say extending a hand to the strange boy. Smiling, he takes my hand and I help him off the ground. "Thank you for the help!" He exclaims cheerfully. I then nod and start to walk away. "Hey wait!" He yells.

"You never told me your name." He says still smiling. "Y/n L/n, pleasure to meet you." I say blankly. "Nice to meet you Y/n! I'm Alastor LeBlonce." (I just made up a last name) "Well Alastor, I need to get to class. It was nice meeting you." I say starting to walk again. "Okay! See you around Y/n!" He chirps.

'Huh, what a weird kid.'

Tada! I made a new book! It probably sucks tho... Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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