Part 3- your like me

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After the UA entrance exam and second day!

??? POV

I can't help but keep thinking about kirishima. I mean he's cute, funny, sweet, kind, and protective. He has grown since junior high. If only he knew how I felt. I can always see him getting along with the blond in our class. It's just the Second day and their all buddies buddies. I then started to walk home since it was the end of the day. I walked and I started to cough violently. I then put a hand on my mouth and saw blood and red rose petals come out from my mouth. I was scared. What is this?! I then saw a boy with black hair with green highlights look at me and he walked towards me. "Hey can i see what happened?" He asked. I nodded. When he saw the rose petal and blood he gasped. "Do you know what this is?" I asked him. He nodded with a sad expression. He pulled me aside. "You have the Hanahaki Disease." I looked at him confused. "It's caused by one sided love. I'm guessing that the person you love likes roses and his or her favorite color is red. There are only three ways to deal with this disease. One, you get surgery but you'll forget every memory that you were with him or her or they'll just suddenly not be there. Two, you confess and if they like you back they have to kiss you, that would help you get rid of it and it would take just two days to do but there are just a 10% chance they'll like you back. And the last one is dying,  it you'll still remember who you like and why you had this disease." I looked at him shocked. "If you want to know how I know. Well, I have the same disease and my mother died because of this disease not taking my advise I gave her at the age of five. I told her to get surgery but didn't. Anyways, hope you find a great solution for your little problem." I said with a smile and left. Poor thing. I then thought of keeping this a secret so no one has to worry about me. He almost turned the corner until I stoped him. "Wait. I never got your name." He turned around. "Izuku Midoriya. But everyone calls me Deku." He said. "I'm Mina ashido." I said with a smile. He smiled a small one and waved as he left.

????? POV

I accidentally bumped into someone. He was wearing a hoodie that was dark blue and he had black hair with green highlights. "Sorry." He said. I then kept on walking and then saw Mina. "Mina you okay?!" She was crying. She then smiled. "I'm going to die." She said. I was shocked. "No your not! What happened?!" I asked. "I fell n love with a person who won't like me back." She said. I was confused. "Huh?" She sighed. "Did you see the boy with the dark blue hoodie?" I nodded. "He told me I had a disease that is caused by one sided love and he also has it. He told me two ways I could get rid of it and one is dealing with this and dying." She said sobbing. "What if he's lying?" I asked. "His mother had it. She died because of she didn't do one of the two that could save her life." I sighed a shaky sigh. We then went walking to her house. "Thanks a lot denki." She said smiling. "No probs. That's what friends do." I said with a smile. We then said our goodbyes and I went to my house.


My sister Luna and Nashi were fighting again. I wonder how the eldest of the kids are doing? I mean Luke, James, asuka, and mike. Well mike all I know is that he became a vigilante while the others I know nothing. I then saw Izuku come in. I saw that he looked a bit sad. I wonder why? I went and gave I'm a hug. "You wanna go eat somewhere to get your mind of whatever it is?" He nuzzled his head into my chest and muffled an okay. Yeah we are both the same agar but I'm 5'10". We went walking to a cafe. I ordered coffee and a nice warm muffin to go along with it. Izuku got a coffee as well but didn't get anything to eat with it. I think I'll ask him today! I'll ask him how to ask out my crush and it's  Nate qand he's in my class. We got our drinks and sat by the windows and by the door. Izuku sat in front of me. "Izu. I have a question." He nodded. "H-how can I ask someone out??" He smirked. He took a sip of his coffee. "Is it that Nate guy~~?" I blushed. "Y-Yeah." He smiled. "Either bring his some sweets or whatever he likes and ask him out or just straight up ask him out." I smiled. "I knew I could always ask you izu." A group of people walked in. A blond with spikes hair, a red head, a blackhead, a pink alien, and a boy with blond hair and a lightning bolt. I just ignored them. "Want some?" I asked him. I got a chocolate chip muffin. Who can't say no to that? I had to muffin a it away, he just stood up and leaned over the table and took a bite out of it. "My muffin." I said. He smiled. "That was good." We then paid and got ready to leave. Well that was until our phones buzzed. We went to sit again and answered. Luna was calling me. "What's up?" I asked her. 'Come back quick!! We need you and Izuku to help!!! We need to get inside but the buildings on fire!! Mom and dad and uncle natsu were the only ones that were able to help others since their quirks! Please hurry.' Izuku got the same one but I could hear Nashi crying. Somethings wrong. "What the hell are you waiting for ace? Hurry the fuck up!" Izuku yelled when he was by the door. We then started to run towards the building. It was on fire. Izuku went to Nashi and so did I. "What's wrong?!" I asked her. "M-mom is I-in there! S-So is aunt levy!" She said threw her sobs. I then caught a glimpse of the same people from the cafe. "Izu you know what to do." He nodded. Izuku ran in.

Bakugo POV

I was at the cafe and we decided to hang out. I was with my boyfriend kirishima and the other extras. I then saw Deku. What the fuck is he doing here?! "My muffin." The dude said. "That was good!" After we finished we then decided to walk around and we said that a company was burning. Holy shit! I then saw the same guy with Deku. They went to the people who work here's kid and talked to her. After a while Izuku ran in. Wait... the fuck is a quirkless no body running into a burning building. After what seemed like ages the firs was gone and the workers got out. I then couldn't help but over hear their conversations. "I was about to evaporate in there thanks a lot work rival." A women with dark blue hair said. "Izu. Thanks for helping us and putting the fire out. Thanks to your quirks we wouldnt all be here. Either way natsu was just eating the damn fire." A women with blond hair said. Deku had fucking quirks?! I then saw raccoon eyes go towards them. "So we meet again midoriya." She said. "Didn't we see each other like about 5 hours ago?" They know each other?!

Izuku POV

I was talking with Mina until jumped on me making me loose my balance and fall with her still behind me hugging me. "Ahh! Thanks zuzu!! Because of you I still have my mom and aunt! Thanks!!" She said. I couldn't smile or even fucking talk cause she was on top of me! 'Can you get off. I can't fucking breath.' I heard her giggle. "Alright zuzu." And she got off of me. "I can breathe!" I said. She then hugged me and I hugged back. The others also hugged me. And as if we were never going to see the older four they were back and shocked. "Mom!" Luke said and ran to hug her. I smiled at then. Mike came towards me and patted my head. "You did alright child." He said. "I'm no child anymore. I'm already 16." I said pouting. He snickered. "I know it's just fun to make you mad." I turned my head. I then got another tackle to the ground. "I'm glad your alright!!" Asuka said. I hugged back since she was older than the other three and Luke was the second oldest followed by mike and lastly James. She then got off. She smiled. "Huh? You grew like a few inches since I last saw you or am I getting short?" She asked. "Yeah I've grown. But let's go pick in for the repairment." I said and she nodded. Everyone put in at least $50-$100. I put in $90 since I need the rest for rent. We then saw that it was enough and they paid for the repairs. I then said my goodbyes and left but walked into an alley. I then coughed so violently. I then saw that instead of a few now they were so much of them. "Guess i am going to die in the shortest time huh? Oh wait the only last thing is getting one of my eyes or both with a full flower after coughing up a whole flower for five weeks." I said out loud. I knew that Mina and someone other people were here and left. I then went to my house and changed and decided to skip on dinner again.

I hope you guys liked this part!! Well bye bitches!!

I love you, but you don't {bakudeku hanahaki disease}Where stories live. Discover now